This tremendous volume, penned by enterprise resource planning (ERP) consultant Stewart S. Miller, tracks nearly all the elements involved in preparing for, taking, and passing SAP's battery of available certification courses. In addition to offering content and context for the course and exams, Miller has taken the time to include information about the body that administers the tests--the SAP Partner Academy--course and exam pricing, and relevant contact information.
It's unfortunate that Miller doesn't pay the same attention to the text itself, which tends to be wordy. Unlike most reference books of this stripe, the All-In-One Guide doesn't have particularly clear or useful diagrams, nor does it provide much in the way of tables. These types of tools may not be necessary for those familiar with R/3, but for the newcomer such elements can help tie things together.
Miller covers the basic R/3 modules and also touches on such issues as shifting operating systems and integrating third-party applications with R/3. Each chapter ends with several pages' worth of questions, followed by somewhat lengthy but useful answers. All in all, this book is an effective guide to the intricacies of R/3, particularly from a study guide perspective. --Sarah L. Roberts-Witt
Book Description
Computer certifications are booming. So is the SAP market, with the expected audience to be at about 500,000 by the year 2000. Combine the two hot markets with the fact that we're going to have the very first book out of the topic, covering all core SAP specialties, written by someone with "insider information," and we have all the elements of a best seller. SAP is currently giving courses leading up to certification. Each track is about a week long, and can cost anywhere from $8,000-$12,500. This is a lot of money and time to spend on training and certification, particularly when interested parties see how difficult it is to obtain information on SAP certification. This all-in-one certification guide follows on the enormous success of a few of our other titles that have been first to market: Java, Lotus Notes, A+, and Cisco CCIE Study Guide.
Book Info
Provides comprehensive test preparation for FI, CO, MM, PP and SD modules plus ABAP/4 Development Workbench. Focuses on aspects of each module that appear on certification exams. Designed to help you understand the complementary software program for integrating third-party software products. CD-ROM included. DLC: SAP R/3.
From the Publisher
Page after page, Stewart Miller simplifies SAP, and helps you: Understand every part of the certification process. Save thousands of dollars on courses you don't need, Choose the right track to meet you goals, Plan your study program, Learn the material more quickly and easily, Master the new features of Release 4.0, Practice with hundreds of questions for every test, Apply insider tips on the exams, and put your training to work in the real world. Whether you want to understand SAP's benefits and costs in terms of running a business, get a handle on actual implementation and "going live," or learn about those integration and functionality issues that cross module lines, it's all here>in the one SAP R/3 credentials package designed to sharpen your competitive edge!
From the Author
Stewart S. Miller is one of the country's leading IT efficiency experts, and the author of McGraw-Hill's ASAP: Implementation at the Speed of Business. The president of his own firm, Executive Information Services, he has consulted for a number of major businesses, including IBM and Ernst & Young, as well as software vendors such as SAP and PeopleSoft. He has written hundreds of feature articles for technical publications and is also the author of three other books: IPv6: The Next Generation Internet Protocol, Year 2001: Reaching Y2K Compliance After the Deadline, and Windows NT Security Guide (all Digital Press).
From the Back Cover
The first complete SAP R/3 certification reference. The SAP R/3 All-in-One Certification Exam Guide allows you to not only become familiar with the process for SAP R/3 certification, but provides a complete roadmap to requirements for each certification course within the SAP Partner Academy and hundreds of test preparation questions. The book covers all the SAP R/3 modules including Finance (FI), Controlling (CO), Materials Management (MM), Production Planning (PP), and Sales and Distribution (SD). In addition, you will find critical information on ABAP/4 Development Workbench and AcceleratedSAP (ASAP). The SAP R/3 All-in-One Certification Exam Guide includes: comprehensive question--and--answer sections at the end of each chapter; an easy-to-follow roadmap through the complexities of SAP Partner Academy training; contact, location, and enrollment information for all SAP/R3 certification exams; insider tips on passin these exams on the first try. Whether you are taking your first exam or finishing your last, this book provides you with a wealth of practical information that you will find no other single resource. Once certified, you will find this book to be a valuable desk reference that you can turn to anytime.
Sap R/3 Certification Exam Guide FROM THE PUBLISHER
This all-in-one certification guide offers hundreds of sample questions on each module of SAP R/3. Stewart Miller covers all core SAP specialties.
Bill Carmada
You could easily spend ten thousand dollars to take a complete SAP R/3 certification course at the SAP Partner Academy. Pass your exams, and you're wonderfully positioned to hit the jackpot in SAP R/3 enterprise resource planning. But it's a big check to write, and even if you do write it, there's no guarantee you'll pass. Bottom line you need all the help you can get, and here it is: SAP R/3 Certification, by Stewart Miller.
This is the first guide that covers not only the contents of the exam but also the entire process of SAP certification all the way down to the qualifications and experience of individual instructors at SAP's Academy. You'll learn how SAP certification works, including which courses you don't need to invest time and money in. You'll gain critical insights into SAP R/3 itself, including the ABAP programming language, the SAP Business Framework, the new Release 4.0, and SAP solutions for finance, HR, materials management, production planning, sales and distribution. It's simply the broadest coverage of any SAP certification book I've come across.
Bill Carmada @ Cyberian Express