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Collage: Revision de Grammaire (Student Edition)  
Author: Lucia F. Baker
ISBN: 0072343982
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

Book Description
Collage is one of the most widely used and highly respected programs for intermediate French courses. As in previous editions, Collage is a component program and consists of a grammar review (Collage: Révision de grammaire), a cultural reader (Collage: Variétés culturelles, and a literary reader (Collage: Lectures littéraires). The program is coordinated by theme and by content, chapter by chapter across all 3 books. The result is a very flexible program that can be used in any combination and can be easily adapted to suit a wide variety of instructors and courses. The new edition of Collage retains the flexible format that works so well in the classroom, and offers a host of new features as well as a streamlined grammar presentation. The Fifth edition of Collage continues to introduce students to francophone countries and cultures throughout all of the components.

Language Notes
Text: French, English

Collage: Revision de Grammaire (Student Edition)


Collage is one of the most widely used and highly respected programs for intermediate French courses. As in previous editions, Collage is a component program and consists of a grammar review (Collage: Revision de grammaire), a cultural reader (Collage: Varietes culturelles, and a literary reader (Collage: Lectures litteraires). The program is coordinated by theme and by content, chapter by chapter across all 3 books. The result is a very flexible program that can be used in any combination and can be easily adapted to suit a wide variety of instructors and courses. The new edition of Collage retains the flexible format that works so well in the classroom, and offers a host of new features as well as a streamlined grammar presentation. The Fifth edition of Collage continues to introduce students to francophone countries and cultures throughout all of the components.


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