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Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol.1: Principles, Protocols, and Architecture (4th Edition)  
Author: Douglas E. Comer
ISBN: 0130183806
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

The all-time best-selling TCP/IP book, this is still the reference for anyone who wants to learn about or work with the TCP/IP protocol suite. Justly renowned for its clarity and accessibility,this superb text covers wide area Internet backbones as well as local area network technologies like FDDI and Ethernet. This is volume 1 of a 3 part set including Internetworking With TCP/IP (Vol. 2): Design, Implementation, and Internals and Internetworking With TCP/IP (Vol. 3): Client-Server Programming and Applications/BSD Socket Version

Jon Postel, RFC Editor and former Deputy Internet Architect
THEclassic text for an introduction to TCP/IP.

From Book News, Inc.
Reviews both the architecture of network interconnections and internet communication services and the protocols needed to provide those services. The core gateway system and the protocol gateways used to exchange routing information are discussed. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.

Book Info
Explains how voice and video are sent over IP internets and how IP Telephony operates, describes IP security and the security standard, IPsec, reviews the discussion of IPv6 to incorporate the latest changes, and explains Random Early Discard (RED), recommended for routers. DLC: Principles, protocols, and architectures.

The publisher, Prentice-Hall Engineering/Science/Mathematics
The all-time best-selling TCP/IP book, Volume I provides a broad, conceptual introduction to the TCP/IP internetworking protocols and the connected TCP/IP internet. It reviews network hardware, including wide area national backbones, ARPANET and NSFnet, and local are technologies. Comer compares the ISO 7-layer reference model to the TCP/IP 5- layer model in his discussion of protocol layering.

From the Author
In addition to being recognized as the authoritative book on the subject, Internetworking With TCP/IP Volume 1 ranks among the best-selling networking texts. Despite its technical depth, Volume 1 appeals to a wide audience in both industry and academia: I have received notes of appreciation from many managers, engineers, computer programmers, and students. Some have praised the concise, clear explanations. One simply said, ``Thanks for a superior effort.'' Many engineers have written to tell me they found the book so helpful that they now recommend it to others as the ``Internetworking bible''. Writing and updating Volume 1 of Internetworking with TCP/IP has been among the most rewarding efforts of my career. It is also gratifying that the best universities use Volume 1 as the textbook in their networking classes. In addition to its impact in the United States, foreign demand is also high. The text has been translated into Chinese, Farsi, French, Korean, Polish, Japanese, Spanish, and Vietnamese. I have lectured from the text in Asia and Europe as well as throughout the U.S. and Canada; in each location, engineers have told me they use Volume 1 extensively. The protocols keep changing as the Internet evolves. The latest edition represents a major update, with substantial changes throughout the text. In addition to updates, new chapters have been added on topics such as mobile IP, Network Address Translation and Virtual Private Networks, and transmission of voice and video over the Internet. I know you will find this book both readable and rewarding.

From the Inside Flap
Preface The explosive growth of the Internet continues. When the third edition of this book was written five years ago, the Internet connected 4.8 million computers, up from 5,000 when the first edition was published. The Internet now reaches over 56 million computers, meaning that the 1995 Internet was only about 8% of its current size. During the early 1990s, those of us who were involved with the Internet marveled at how large an obscure research project had become. Now, it pervades almost every aspect of society. TCP/IP has accommodated change well. The basic technology has survived nearly two decades of exponential growth and the associated increases in traffic. The protocols have worked over new high-speed network technologies, and the design has handled applications that could not be imagined in the original design. Of course, the entire protocol suite has not remained static. New protocols have been deployed, and new techniques have been developed to adapt existing protocols to new network technologies. This edition contains updated information throughout the text as well as new material that describes technical advances and changes. For example, because classless addressing has become widely deployed, the description of IP forwarding examines techniques for classless lookup. In addition, the chapters on IP describe the Differentiated Services (DiffServe) scheme for classes of service as well as path MTU discovery and anonymous networks. The chapter on TCP describes Random Early Drop (RED). The chapter on exterior routing has been updated to use BGP as the primary example. The descriptions of protocols such as RIP, IGMP, SNMP, and IPv6 have been revised to incorporate new versions and recent changes. Finally, the chapter on security discusses IPsec. Four new chapters contain detailed information about significant developments. Chapter 19 describes mobile IP — a technology that allows a computer to move from one network to another without changing its IP address. Chapter 20 considers two technologies used to interconnect private intranets and the global Internet: Virtual Private Network (VPN) and Network Address Translation (NAT). Each solves a slightly different problem; both are widely deployed. Chapter 28 covers the HTML and HTTP protocols that form the basis for the most significant Internet application: the world wide web. Chapter 29 focuses on an exciting new area: sending real-time data such as voice and video over an IP network. The chapter examines the RTP protocol that allows a receiver to coordinate and play such data as well as the RSVP and COPS protocols that can be used to provide resource reservation, and describes the H.323 suite of protocols used for IP telephony. The fourth edition retains the same general contents and overall organization as the third edition. The entire text focuses on the concept of internetworking in general and the TCP/IP Internet technology in particular. Internetworking is a powerful abstraction that allows us to deal with the complexity of multiple underlying communication technologies. It hides the details of network hardware and provides a high level communication environment. The text reviews both the architecture of network interconnections and the principles underlying protocols that make such interconnected networks function as a single, unified communication system. It also shows how an internet communication system can be used for distributed computation. After reading this book, you will understand how it is possible to interconnect multiple physical networks into a coordinated system, how internet protocols operate in that environment, and how application programs use the resulting system. As a specific example, you will learn the details of the global TCP/IP Internet, including the architecture of its muter system and the application protocols it supports. In addition, you will understand some of the limitations of the internet approach. Designed as both a college text and as a professional reference, the book is written at an advanced undergraduate or graduate level. For professionals, the book provides a comprehensive introduction to the TCP/IP technology and the architecture of the Internet. Although it is not intended to replace protocol standards, the book is an excellent starting point for learning about internetworking because it provides a uniform overview that emphasizes principles. Moreover, it gives the reader perspective that can be extremely difficult to obtain from individual protocol documents. When used in the classroom, the text provides more than sufficient material for a single semester network course at either the undergraduate or graduate level. Such a course can be extended to a two-semester sequence if accompanied by programming projects and readings from the literature. For undergraduate courses, many of the details are unnecessary. Students should be expected to grasp the basic concepts described in the text, and they should be able to describe or use them. At the graduate level, students should be expected to use the material as a basis for further exploration. They should understand the details well enough to answer exercises or solve problems that require them to explore extensions and subtleties. Many of the exercises suggest such subtleties; solving them often requires students to read protocol standards and apply creative energy to comprehend consequences. At all levels, hands-on experience sharpens the concepts and helps students gain intuition. Thus, I encourage instructors to invent projects that force students to use Internet services and protocols. The semester project in my graduate Internetworking course at Purdue requires students to build an IP router. We supply hardware and the source code for an operating system, including device drivers for network interfaces; students build a working router that interconnects three networks with different MTUs. The course is extremely rigorous, students work in teams, and the results have been impressive (many industries recruit graduates from the course). Although such experimentation is safest when the instructional laboratory network is isolated from production computing facilities, we have found that students exhibit the most enthusiasm, and benefit the most, when they have access to a functional TCP/IP Internet. The book is organized into four main parts. Chapters 1 and 2 form an introduction that provides an overview and discusses existing network technologies. In particular, Chapter 2 reviews physical network hardware. The intention is to provide basic intuition about what is possible, not to spend inordinate time on hardware details. Chapters 3-13 describe the TCP/IP Internet from the viewpoint of a single host, showing the protocols a host contains and how they operate. They cover the basics of Internet addressing and routing as well as the notion of protocol layering. Chapters 14-20 and 32 describe the architecture of an internet when viewed globally. They explore routing architecture and the protocols routers use to exchange routing information. Finally, Chapters 21-31 discuss application level services available in the Internet. They present the clientserver model of interaction, and give several examples of client and server software. The chapters have been organized bottom up. They begin with an overview of hardware and continue to build new functionality on top of it. This view will appeal to anyone who has developed Internet software because it follows the same pattern one uses in implementation. The concept of layering does not appear until Chapter 11. The discussion of layering emphasizes the distinction between conceptual layers of functionality and the reality of layered protocol software in which multiple objects appear at each layer. A modest background is required to understand the material. The reader is expected to have a basic understanding of computer systems, and to be familiar with data structures like stacks, queues, and trees. Readers need basic intuition about the organization of computer software into an operating system that supports concurrent programming and application programs that users invoke to perform computation. Readers do not need sophisticated mathematics, nor do they need to know information theory or theorems from data communications; the book describes the physical network as a black box around which an internetwork can be built. It states design principles clearly, and discusses motivations and consequences. I thank all the people who have contributed to versions of this book. Michael Evangelista provided extensive assistance with this edition, including classifying RFCs. Jeff Case provided the SNMPv3 example. John Lin and Dennis Totin commented on some of the new chapters. Jin Zhang, Kechiun He, and Sara Steinbrueck proofread parts of the text. Special thanks go to my wife and partner, Chris, whose careful editing made many improvements throughout. Douglas E. Comer January, 2000

From the Back Cover
The TCP/IP "bible"— now completely updated to reflect all the latest technologies! Leading Internet expert Douglas Comer has updated his classic, superb introduction to TCP/IP-based internetworking that is renowned for its clarity and accessibility in explaining internetworking and routing. Discover how the basic TCP/IP technology has survived and evolved over two decades of exponential growth, and understand the TCP/IP protocols and technical advances. This edition explains emerging technologies such as Mobile IP, Virtual Private Networks, resource reservation with RSVP, and Ipv6. Comer reveals how to master TCP/IP and how the Internet works. The reader is required to have a modest background in the fundamentals of computer systems, but does not need sophisticated mathematics. As with previous editions, this edition provides an introduction to physical networks and then shows how they are combined to form an internet. It states design principles clearly, and discusses motivations and consequences. THIS NEW EDITION OF VOLUME 1: Explains how voice and video are sent over IP internets and how IP Telephony operates Describes Mobile IP (a technology that allows a computer to move from one network to another without changing its IP address) Discusses IP security and the security standard, IPsec Revises the discussion of Ipv6 to incorporate the latest changes Shows how to interconnect private intranets and the global Internet using Virtual Private Network (VPN) and Network Address Translation (NAT) technologies Expands the description of IP multicasting to cover multicast routing protocols Presents the Differentiated Services (DiffServe) scheme for classes of services as well at Path MTU discovery and routing for anonymous serial networks Explains Random Early Discard (RED), which is now recommended for routers Updates the coverage of all protocols to the latest versions, including RIP, IGMP, and SNMP

About the Author
DOUGLAS E. COMER is a Professor of Computer Science at Purdue University and a Fellow of the ACM. He is the author of many best-selling book: the three-volume series, Internetworking with TCP-IP, Computer Networks and Internets, second Edition, and The Internet Book. Comer served as Chairman of the DARPA Distributed Systems Architecture Board and the CSNET Technical Committees, and is a former member of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB).

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Preface The explosive growth of the Internet continues. When the third edition of this book was written five years ago, the Internet connected 4.8 million computers, up from 5,000 when the first edition was published. The Internet now reaches over 56 million computers, meaning that the 1995 Internet was only about 8% of its current size. During the early 1990s, those of us who were involved with the Internet marveled at how large an obscure research project had become. Now, it pervades almost every aspect of society. TCP/IP has accommodated change well. The basic technology has survived nearly two decades of exponential growth and the associated increases in traffic. The protocols have worked over new high-speed network technologies, and the design has handled applications that could not be imagined in the original design. Of course, the entire protocol suite has not remained static. New protocols have been deployed, and new techniques have been developed to adapt existing protocols to new network technologies. This edition contains updated information throughout the text as well as new material that describes technical advances and changes. For example, because classless addressing has become widely deployed, the description of IP forwarding examines techniques for classless lookup. In addition, the chapters on IP describe the Differentiated Services (DiffServe) scheme for classes of service as well as path MTU discovery and anonymous networks. The chapter on TCP describes Random Early Drop (RED). The chapter on exterior routing has been updated to use BGP as the primary example. The descriptions of protocols such as RIP, IGMP, SNMP, and IPv6 have been revised to incorporate new versions and recent changes. Finally, the chapter on security discusses IPsec. Four new chapters contain detailed information about significant developments. Chapter 19 describes mobile IP — a technology that allows a computer to move from one network to another without changing its IP address. Chapter 20 considers two technologies used to interconnect private intranets and the global Internet: Virtual Private Network (VPN) and Network Address Translation (NAT). Each solves a slightly different problem; both are widely deployed. Chapter 28 covers the HTML and HTTP protocols that form the basis for the most significant Internet application: the world wide web. Chapter 29 focuses on an exciting new area: sending real-time data such as voice and video over an IP network. The chapter examines the RTP protocol that allows a receiver to coordinate and play such data as well as the RSVP and COPS protocols that can be used to provide resource reservation, and describes the H.323 suite of protocols used for IP telephony. The fourth edition retains the same general contents and overall organization as the third edition. The entire text focuses on the concept of internetworking in general and the TCP/IP Internet technology in particular. Internetworking is a powerful abstraction that allows us to deal with the complexity of multiple underlying communication technologies. It hides the details of network hardware and provides a high level communication environment. The text reviews both the architecture of network interconnections and the principles underlying protocols that make such interconnected networks function as a single, unified communication system. It also shows how an internet communication system can be used for distributed computation. After reading this book, you will understand how it is possible to interconnect multiple physical networks into a coordinated system, how internet protocols operate in that environment, and how application programs use the resulting system. As a specific example, you will learn the details of the global TCP/IP Internet, including the architecture of its muter system and the application protocols it supports. In addition, you will understand some of the limitations of the internet approach. Designed as both a college text and as a professional reference, the book is written at an advanced undergraduate or graduate level. For professionals, the book provides a comprehensive introduction to the TCP/IP technology and the architecture of the Internet. Although it is not intended to replace protocol standards, the book is an excellent starting point for learning about internetworking because it provides a uniform overview that emphasizes principles. Moreover, it gives the reader perspective that can be extremely difficult to obtain from individual protocol documents. When used in the classroom, the text provides more than sufficient material for a single semester network course at either the undergraduate or graduate level. Such a course can be extended to a two-semester sequence if accompanied by programming projects and readings from the literature. For undergraduate courses, many of the details are unnecessary. Students should be expected to grasp the basic concepts described in the text, and they should be able to describe or use them. At the graduate level, students should be expected to use the material as a basis for further exploration. They should understand the details well enough to answer exercises or solve problems that require them to explore extensions and subtleties. Many of the exercises suggest such subtleties; solving them often requires students to read protocol standards and apply creative energy to comprehend consequences. At all levels, hands-on experience sharpens the concepts and helps students gain intuition. Thus, I encourage instructors to invent projects that force students to use Internet services and protocols. The semester project in my graduate Internetworking course at Purdue requires students to build an IP router. We supply hardware and the source code for an operating system, including device drivers for network interfaces; students build a working router that interconnects three networks with different MTUs. The course is extremely rigorous, students work in teams, and the results have been impressive (many industries recruit graduates from the course). Although such experimentation is safest when the instructional laboratory network is isolated from production computing facilities, we have found that students exhibit the most enthusiasm, and benefit the most, when they have access to a functional TCP/IP Internet. The book is organized into four main parts. Chapters 1 and 2 form an introduction that provides an overview and discusses existing network technologies. In particular, Chapter 2 reviews physical network hardware. The intention is to provide basic intuition about what is possible, not to spend inordinate time on hardware details. Chapters 3-13 describe the TCP/IP Internet from the viewpoint of a single host, showing the protocols a host contains and how they operate. They cover the basics of Internet addressing and routing as well as the notion of protocol layering. Chapters 14-20 and 32 describe the architecture of an internet when viewed globally. They explore routing architecture and the protocols routers use to exchange routing information. Finally, Chapters 21-31 discuss application level services available in the Internet. They present the clientserver model of interaction, and give several examples of client and server software. The chapters have been organized bottom up. They begin with an overview of hardware and continue to build new functionality on top of it. This view will appeal to anyone who has developed Internet software because it follows the same pattern one uses in implementation. The concept of layering does not appear until Chapter 11. The discussion of layering emphasizes the distinction between conceptual layers of functionality and the reality of layered protocol software in which multiple objects appear at each layer. A modest background is required to understand the material. The reader is expected to have a basic understanding of computer systems, and to be familiar with data structures like stacks, queues, and trees. Readers need basic intuition about the organization of computer software into an operating system that supports concurrent programming and application programs that users invoke to perform computation. Readers do not need sophisticated mathematics, nor do they need to know information theory or theorems from data communications; the book describes the physical network as a black box around which an internetwork can be built. It states design principles clearly, and discusses motivations and consequences. I thank all the people who have contributed to versions of this book. Michael Evangelista provided extensive assistance with this edition, including classifying RFCs. Jeff Case provided the SNMPv3 example. John Lin and Dennis Totin commented on some of the new chapters. Jin Zhang, Kechiun He, and Sara Steinbrueck proofread parts of the text. Special thanks go to my wife and partner, Chris, whose careful editing made many improvements throughout. Douglas E. Comer January, 2000

Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol.1: Principles, Protocols, and Architecture (Internetworking with TCP/IP Series)


THIS NEW EDITION OF VOLUME 1: Explains how voice and video are sent over IP internets and how IP Telephony operates Describes Mobile IP (a technology that allows a computer to move from one network to another without changing its IP address) Discusses IP security and the security standard, IPsec Revises the discussion of Ipv6 to incorporate the latest changes Shows how to interconnect private intranets and the global Internet using Virtual Private Network (VPN) and Network Address Translation (NAT) technologies Expands the description of IP multicasting to cover multicast routing protocols Presents the Differentiated Services (DiffServe) scheme for classes of services as well at Path MTU discovery and routing for anonymous serial networks Explains Random Early Discard (RED), which is now recommended for routers Updates the coverage of all protocols to the latest versions, including RIP, IGMP, and SNMP


Douglas E. Comer is a Professor of Computer Science at Purdue University and a Fellow of the ACM. He is the author of many best-selling books: the three-volume series, Internetworking with TCP/IP Computer Networks and Internets, Second Edition, and The Internet Book. Comer served as chairman of the DARPA Distributed Systems Architecture Board and the CSNET Technical Committees, and is a former member of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB).


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