From the Back Cover
ALL MOUS Essentials books are certified to the Expert Level by Microsoft as approved test preparation guides for the MOUS exams. A unique appendix entitled Preparing for MOUS Certification provides information like how to register, what is covered in the tests, how the tests work, and levels of certification. Each Project opens with Required Activities for both levels of the exam objectives. These activities are indicated throughout the Projects by icons distinguishing core vs. expert objectives. Exam Notes and Inside Stuff sidebars provide students with extra tips and tricks on preparing for and taking the MOUS exams. MOUS PinPoint software provides computer-based training and assessment tools for students to complete the projects and practice for the MOUS exams. MOUS PinPoint includes Project Review Tests along with "Show Me" training for each MOUS Exam Skill Set covered within the Project. In addition, each MOUS PinPoint has a capstone final exam that mirrors the actual MOUS exams. Instructor's resources include the Instructor's Resource CD-ROM and Companion Web site. The IRCD contains Instructor's Manuals, PowerPoints, Test Manager, Student Data Files, and Solutions Files for all four applications. The Instructor's Manuals, PowerPoints, Data Files, and additional questions can also be downloaded from the Web site at
About the Author
KEITH MULBERY taught computer applications and business communication at Bowling Green State University and is currently teaching computer applications in the Business Systems Administration Department at Utah Valley State College. Specifically, he teaches Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Windows, Internet Explorer, and WordPerfect. Keith received his B.S. and M.Ed. (majoring in Business Education) from Southwestern Oklahoma State University. Keith has written several word processing textbooks on Word and WordPerfect. In addition, he was the developmental editor for Word 2000 Essentials Intermediate and Word 2000 Essentials Advanced, which were published by Prentice Hall. Keith also conducts hands-on computer application workshops at the local, state, and national levels, including at the National Business Education Association Convention. He is a Microsoft Office User Specialist in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2000.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
PREFACE Essentials courseware from Prentice Hall is anchored in the practical and professional needs of all types of students. Each title in the series reflects a "learning-by-doing" approach that encourages you to grasp application-related concepts as you expand your skills through hands-on tutorials. The MOUS Essentials series has an added focuspreparing you for certification as a Microsoft Office User Specialist. The Specialist designation distinguishes you from your peers as knowledgeable in using Office products, which can also make you more competitive in the job market. The Specialist program is available for many Office 2000 applications at both Core and Expert User levels. You can learn more about the Specialist program by reviewing Appendix B, "Preparing for MOUS Certification," and by visiting the Web site. How To Use This Book You have selected a book providing a comprehensive approach to learning PowerPoint, with emphasis on skill sets designated by Microsoft as Core or Expert for purposes of certification as a Microsoft Office User Specialist. Please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the icons used in this book and its conventions. If you have questions or comments, visit the related Prentice Hall MOUS Essentials Web site at Each MOUS Essentials text consists of modular lessons built around a series of numbered step-by-step procedures that are clear, concise, and easy to review. Brief explanations are provided at the start of each lesson and, as needed, between steps. Many lessons contain additional notes and tips. A MOUS Essentials book may contain anywhere from 15-21 projects, two appendixes, and a glossary. Each project covers one area (or a few closely related areas) of application functionality, and is divided into lessons related to that topic. For example, a project on formatting text and bullets includes lessons on changing text appearance, using the Format Painter, modifying text alignment, setting tabs, adding, modifying, and removing bullets. Each lesson presents a specific task or closely related set of tasks in a manageable chunk that's easy to assimilate and retain. Each element in a MOUS Essentials title is designed to maximize your learning experience. Here's a list of the MOUS Essentials project elements and a description of how each element can help you: Required MOUS Objectives Table. These tables are organized into three columns: Objective, Required Activity for MOUS, and Exam Level. The Objective column lists the general objectives of the project. The associated MOUS requirements for each objective are listed in the Required Activity for MOUS column. The particular exam levels of those activitiesCore or Expertare listed in the Exam Level column. Look over the objectives and MOUS requirements on the opening page of each project before you begin, and review them after completing the project to identify the main goals for each project. Key Terms. This book includes useful vocabulary words and definitions, specific to the application. Key terms introduced in each project are listed in alphabetic order on the opening page of the project. These key terms then appear in bold italic within the text and are defined during their first occurrence in the project. Definitions of key terms are also included in the glossary. Why Would I Do This? You are studying PowerPoint to accomplish useful tasks in the real world. This brief section at the beginning of each project tells you why these tasks or procedures are important. What can you do with the knowledge? How can these application features be applied to everyday tasks? MOUS Office Core Objective Icon. This icon indicates that a lesson or exercise relates to a specific MOUS Core-level skill. MOUS skills may be covered by a whole lesson or perhaps just a single step within a lesson. They may also be covered in an end-of-project exercise. MOUS Office Expert Objective Icon. This icon indicates that a lesson or exercise relates to a MOUS Expert-level skill. There may be a mix of Core and Expert objectives within a project. Some objectives are both Core and Expert, as well. Lessons. Most lessons contain one or more tasks that correspond to an objective or MOUS requirement, which are listed on the opening page of the project. A lesson consists of step-by-step tutorials, associated screen captures, and the sidebar notes of the types described later. Although each lesson often builds on the preceding one, the lessons have been made as modular as possible. For example, you can skip tasks that you've already mastered and begin a later lesson, if you choose. Step-by-Step Tutorials. The lessons consist of numbered, bolded, step-by-step instructions that show you how to perform the procedures in a clear, concise, and direct manner. These hands-on tutorials, which are the "essentials" of each project, let you "learn by doing." A short paragraph may appear after a step to clarify the results of the step. Screen captures are provided after key steps so that you can compare the results on your monitor. To review the lesson, you can easily scan the bold, numbered steps. Exam Notes. These sidebars provide information and insights on topics covered on MOUS exams. You can easily recognize them by their distinctive icon. It's well worth the effort to review these crucial notes again after completing a project. Inside Stuff. Inside Stuff comments provide extra tips, shortcuts, and alternative ways to complete a process, as well as special hints. You may safely ignore these for the moment to focus on the main task at hand, or you may pause to learn and appreciate these tidbits. If You Have Problems... These short troubleshooting notes help you anticipate or solve common problems quickly and effectively. Even if you don't encounter the problem at this time, do make a mental note of it so that you know where to look when you find yourself having difficulties. Summary. This section provides a brief recap of the activities learned in the project. The summary often includes suggestions for expanding your knowledge. Checking Concepts and Terms. This section offers optional true/false and multiple-choice questions designed to check your comprehension and to assess retention. If you need to refresh your memory, the relevant lesson number is provided after each question. For example, L5 directs you to review Lesson 5 for the answer. Skill Drill. This section enables you to check your comprehension, evaluate your progress, and practice what you've teamed. The exercises in this section build on and reinforce what you have teamed in each project. Generally, the Skill Drill exercises include step-by-step instructions. A Core or Expert icon indicates whether a MOUS required activity is introduced in a Skill Drill exercise. Challenge. This section provides exercises that expand on or relate to the skills practiced in the project. Each exercise provides a brief narrative introduction followed by instructions. Although the instructions are written in a step-by-step format, the steps are not as detailed as those in the Skill Drill section. Providing fewer specific steps, the Challenge section helps you learn to think on your own. A Core or Expert icon indicates whether a MOUS required activity is introduced in a Challenge exercise. Discovery Zone. These exercises require advanced knowledge of project topics or application of skills from multiple lessons. Additionally, these exercises might require you to research topics in Help or on the Web to complete them. This self-directed method of learning new skills emulates real-world experience. A Core or Expert icon indicates whether a MOUS required activity is introduced in a Discovery Zone exercise. Pinpoint Assessment. Each project ends with a reminder to use MOUS Pinpoint training and testing software to supplement the projects in the book. The software aids you in your preparation for taking and passing the MOUS exams. A thorough explanation of how to use the Pinpoint software is provided in Appendix A, "Using the MOUS Pinpoint 2000 Training and Testing Software." Typeface Conventions Used in this Book We have used the following conventions throughout this book so that certain items stand out from the rest of the text: Key terms appear in bold italic the first time they are defined. Monospace type appears frequently. It is used to indicate: 1) text that you are instructed to key in; 2) text that appears on screen as warnings, confirmations, or general information; 3) the name of a file to be used in a lesson or exercise; and 4) text from a dialog box that is referenced within a sentence, when that sentence might appear awkward if the dialog box text were not set off. Hotkeys are indicated by underline. Hotkeys are the underlined letters in menus, toolbars, and dialog boxes that activate commands and options, and are a quick way to choose frequently used commands and options. Hot keys look like this: File, Save. How To Use Student Data Files on the CD-ROM The CD-ROM accompanying this book contains Pinpoint as well as all the data files for you to use as you work through the step-by-step tutorials within projects and the Skill Drill, Challenge, and Discovery Zone exercises provided at the end of each project. The CD contains separate parallel folders for each project. The names of the student data files correspond to the filenames called for in the textbook Each filename includes seven characterstwo letters indicating the application, a dash, two digits indicating the project number, and two digits indicating the file number within the project. For example, the first file used in PowerPoint Project 2 is named pp-0201. The third file in PowerPoint Project 14 is named pp-1403. The Word document named pp-stufiles.doc on the companion Web site ( provides a complete listing of data files by project, including the corresponding names used to save each file. Refer to the readme file on the CD for instruction on how to use your CD-ROM. Supplements Instructors get extra support for this text in the following supplements: Instructor's Resource CD-ROMThe Instructors Resource CD-ROM includes the entire Instructors Manual for each application in Microsoft Word format and also contains screen shots that correspond to the solutions for the lessons in the book. A computerized testbank is included to create tests, maintain student records, and to provide online practice testing. Student data files and completed solutions files are also on the CD-ROM. PowerPoint slides, which elaborate on each project, are also included. Companion Web Site ( both students and instructors, the companion Web site includes all the ancillary material to accompany the MOUS Essentials series. Students can also access the Interactive Study Guide online, allowing them to evaluate their understanding of the key concepts of each application with instant feedback on their results. Instructors will find the data and solutions files, Instructors Manual, and PowerPoint slides for each application.
MOUS Essentials: Word 2000 with CD FROM THE PUBLISHER
ALL MOUS Essentials books are certified to the Expert Level by Microsoft as approved test preparation guides for the MOUS exams. A unique appendix entitled Preparing for MOUS Certification provides information like how to register, what is covered in the tests, how the tests work, and levels of certification. Each Project opens with Required Activities for both levels of the exam objectives. These activities are indicated throughout the Projects by icons distinguishing core vs. expert objectives. Exam Notes and Inside Stuff sidebars provide students with extra tips and tricks on preparing for and taking the MOUS exams. MOUS PinPoint software provides computer-based training and assessment tools for students to complete the projects and practice for the MOUS exams. MOUS PinPoint includes Project Review Tests along with "Show Me" training for each MOUS Exam Skill Set covered within the Project. In addition, each MOUS PinPoint has a capstone final exam that mirrors the actual MOUS exams. Instructor's resources include the Instructor's Resource CD-ROM and Companion Web site. The IRCD contains Instructor's Manuals, PowerPoints, Test Manager, Student Data Files, and Solutions Files for all four applications.
KEITH MULBERY taught computer applications and business communication at Bowling Green State University and is currently teaching computer applications in the Business Systems Administration Department at Utah Valley State College. Specifically, he teaches Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Windows, Internet Explorer, and WordPerfect. Keith received his B.S. and M.Ed. (majoring in Business Education) from Southwestern Oklahoma State University. Keith has written several word processing textbooks on Word and WordPerfect. In addition, he was the developmental editor for Word 2000 Essentials Intermediate and Word 2000 Essentials Advanced, which were published by Prentice Hall. Keith also conducts hands-on computer application workshops at the local, state, and national levels, including at the National Business Education Association Convention. He is a Microsoft Office User Specialist in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2000.