Book Info |  |  |  enlarge picture
| Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry | | Author: | John McMurry, et al | ISBN: | 0130418420 | Format: | Handover | Publish Date: | June, 2005 | | | |  | | | |  | Book Review |  |  |
From Book News, Inc. A standard textbook that provides a two-semester introduction to chemistry in general and to biological chemistry in particular, for students in the allied health sciences and other disciplines. Topics new to this edition (first was 1992) include photography, timed- release medications, nitrate esters for treating angina, plants and photosynthesis, tooth decay, and biotechnology and agriculture. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.
Book Description This book provides sufficient detail without overloading the reader with details that might be unnecessary to attain basic understanding of the subject matter. A new chapter on genomics is a timely response to the mapping of the human genome that will appeal to many readers. This book will a useful resource for anyone working in the fields of nursing, physical therapy, agriculture, home economics, aquacultureor those who simply have a desire to learn more about the basic concepts of chemistry and biochemistry. .
Book Info Standard text providing a two-semester introduction to chemistry in general and to biological chemistry in particular, for students in the allied health sciences and other disciplines. Previous edition c1999.
The publisher, Prentice-Hall Engineering/Science/Mathematics The second edition of this best-selling text builds upon what made the book so widely adopted in the first place: student accessibility, readability, an effective problem-solving program, and flexibility. The authors understand that most students have their sights set beyond the chemistry laboratory. Thus, they have put chemistry in the context of applications and everyday life -- making the book and course student accessible. With the intent of gaining student confidence, the writing style is relaxed, friendly -- and readable for the student with no scientific background. The problem- solving program maintains a wealth of problems and worked-out examples, including McMurry's innovative ballpark questions that test the student's understanding of concepts and develop their analytical thinking skills. The authors have made the text as flexible as possible. This is especially evident in the biological chemistry chapters, where structure and function are integrated.
From the Back Cover This book provides sufficient detail without overloading the reader with details that might be unnecessary to attain basic understanding of the subject matter. A new chapter on genomics is a timely response to the mapping of the human genome that will appeal to many readers. This book will a useful resource for anyone working in the fields of nursing, physical therapy, agriculture, home economics, aquacultureor those who simply have a desire to learn more about the basic concepts of chemistry and biochemistry. .
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. This textbook is designed to put chemistry in the context of the allied health sciences as well as the other disciplines in which an understanding of the fundamentals of chemistry and of living things is valuable. The coverage in this fourth edition has been developed with considerable input from the many instructors and students who have used our previous three editions. To teach chemistry all the way from "What is an atom?" to "How do we get energy from glucose?" is a challenge. Throughout our general chemistry and organic chemistry coverage, the focus is on concepts fundamental to the chemistry of living things, and illustrations are drawn from this chemistry wherever practical. In our biochemistry coverage we strive to meet the further challenge of providing a widely useful overview. Our goal is to provide enough detail for thorough understanding while avoiding so much detail that the students are overwhelmed. The material covered is ample for a thorough, two-term introduction to general, organic, and biological chemistry. This edition retains our unique and well-received integrated biological chemistry sequence (described in greater detail below), which allows for the highest possible degree of flexibility. By varying the topics covered and the time devoted to them, the focus of the course can be adjusted to meet the needs of each instructor's student population and the duration of the course. Students in this course have their sights set well beyond academic concerns and the laboratory bench. They want to know why: Why must I study the gas laws? Why are molecules important to me as a nurse, soil scientist, or nutritionist? To engage these students in the subject matter, we write in a clear and direct style. We also provide straightforward diagrams, modem molecular models, and thoroughly explained solved problems. Organization General Chemistry: Chapters 1-11. The introduction to elements, atoms, the periodic table, and the quantitative nature of chemistry (Chapters 1-3) is followed by chapters that individually highlight the nature of ionic and molecular compounds (Chapters 4 and 5). The next two chapters discuss chemical reactions and their stoichiometry, energies, rates, and equilibria (Chapters 6 and 7). Topics relevant to the chemistry of life follow: Gases, Liquids, and Solids (Chapter 8); Solutions (Chapter 9); and Acids and Bases (Chapter 10). Nuclear Chemistry (Chapter 11) closes the general chemistry sequence. Organic Chemistry: Chapters 12-17. These chapters concisely focus on what students must know in order to get on with biochemistry. The introduction to hydrocarbons (Chapters 12 and 13) includes the basics of nomenclature, which is thereafter kept to a minimum. Discussion of functional groups with single bonds to oxygen, sulfur, or a halogen (Chapter 14) is followed by a short chapter on amines, which are so important to the chemistry of living things and drugs (Chapter 15). After introducing aldehydes and ketones (Chapter 16), the chemistry of carboxylic acids and their derivatives (including amides) is covered (Chapter 17), with a focus on similarities among the derivatives. Biological Chemistry: Chapters 18-29. Rather than proceed through the complexities of protein, carbohydrate, lipid, and nucleic acid structure before getting to the roles of these compounds in the body, structure and function are integrated in this text. Protein structure (Chapter 18) is followed by enzyme and coenzyme chemistry (Chapter 19). After that we cover the function of hormones and neurotransmitters, and the action of drugs (Chapter 20). With enzymes introduced, the central pathways and themes of biochemical energy production can be described (Chapter 21). If the time you have available to cover biochemistry is limited, stop with Chapter 21 and your students will have an excellent preparation in the essentials of metabolism. The following chapters cover carbohydrate chemistry (Chapters 22 and 23), then lipid chemistry (Chapters 24 and 25). Next we discuss nucleic acids and protein synthesis (Chapter 26). The most significant addition of content in this edition is the new Chapter 27 on Genomics. The mapping of the human genome has opened the door to a revolution in our understanding of health and disease. Our chapter on genomics is designed to give students an appreciation of this ongoing revolution and sufficient background to understand its future impact on their chosen fields of endeavor. The last two chapters cover protein and amino acid metabolism (Chapter 28) and provide an overview of the chemistry of body fluids (Chapter 29). In this text, nutrition is not treated as a separate subject, but is integrated with the discussion of each type of biomolecule. Focus on Learning Worked Examples. Most Worked Examples, both quantitative and not quantitative, now include a new Analysis section that precedes the Solution. The Analysis lays out the approach to solving a problem of the given type. In numerical worked examples, a Ballpark Check that follows the Solution replaces the Ballpark Solution of the previous edition. In this location, it can be used to validate the answer obtained. New Key Concept Problems are integrated throughout the chapters to focus attention on the use of essential concepts, as do the Understanding Key Concepts problems at the end of each chapter. Understanding Key Concepts problems are designed to test students' mastery of the core principles developed in the chapter. Students thus have an opportunity to ask "Did I get it?" before they proceed. Problems. The problems within the chapters, for which brief answers are given in an appendix, cover every skill and topic to be understood. One or more problems, many of which are new to this edition, follow each Worked Example and others stand alone at the ends of sections. More color-keyed, labeled equations. It is entirely too easy to skip looking at a chemical equation while reading. We have extensively used color to call attention to the aspects of chemical equations and structures under discussion, a continuing feature of this book that has been judged very helpful. Molecular models. Additional computer-generated molecular models have been introduced and the use of electrostatic-potential maps for molecular models is new to this edition. Key Words. Every key term is boldfaced on its first use, fully defined in the margin adjacent to that use, and listed at the end of the chapter. These are the terms students must understand to get on with the subject at hand. Definitions of all Key Words are collected in the Glossary. End-of-Chapter Summaries. Here, the answers to the questions posed at the beginning of the chapter provide a summary of what is covered in that chapter. Where appropriate, the types of chemical reactions in a chapter are also summarized. Focus on Relevancy For those studying chemistry for the first and perhaps the only time, chemistry may not initially appear exciting. These students benefit from increased emphasis on the relevance and applications of chemistry. In this book, we carefully balance the ,need for solid science with the need for interesting examples and connections. Applications are both integrated into and set off from the text. They cover a wide variety of topics, many new to this edition and all updated where necessary. Each boxed application provides sufficient information for reasonable understanding and ends with a cross-reference to related end-of-chapter problems that can be assigned by the instructor and solved by the student to determine comprehension of the boxed material. Some favorite Applications retained from previous editions include Chemical Information, Protein Analysis by Electrophoresis, the Biochemistry of Running, and Tooth Decay. Topics new to this edition include Prions, Biocatalysis, Plant Hormones, Polysaccharides (their non-food applications), and DNA Fingerprinting. Connections essays, introduced in the previous edition, focus on practicing professionals who explain how they use chemistry in their daily work. The Connections from the previous edition (physical therapist, respiratory therapist, nuclear medicine technician, sensory evaluation manager, food technologist, dietician, veterinary lab technician) have been retained and new interviews have been added (art conservator, resource conservationist, forensic scientist). This feature is designed to remind students that the chemistry they are learning will benefit them down the road. Focus on Making Connections Among General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry This can be a difficult course to teach. Much of what students are interested in lies in the last part of the course, but the material they need to understand the biochemistry is found in the first two-thirds. It is easy to lose sight of the connections among general, organic, and biological chemistry so we have added a special new feature, Concepts to Review, to call attention to these connections. From Chapter 4 on, the Concepts to Review section at the beginning of the chapter lists topics covered in earlier chapters that form the basis for what is discussed in the current chapter. We have also retained the successful concept link icons and Looking Ahead notes. Concept link icons are used extensively to indicate places where previously covered material is relevant to the discussion at hand. These links provide for cross-references and also serve to highlight important chemical themes as they are revisited. Looking Ahead notes call attention to connections between just-covered material and discussions in forthcoming chapters. These notes are designed to illustrate to the students why what they are learning will be useful in what lies ahead. Making It Easier to Teach: Supplements for Instructors Instructor's Guide (0-13-045520-2) by Daniel M. Sullivan, University of Nebraska, features lecture outlines with presentation suggestions, teaching tips, suggested in-class demonstrations, and topics for classroom discussion. Test Item File (0-13-047710-9) by Barbara Mowery, Thomas Nelson Community College, has been revised to reflect the revision in this text book and contains 10% new questions in a bank of over 1400 multiple-choice questions. TestGen-EQ (0-13-047711-7). The computerized version of the Test Item File is available on a dual-platform CD-ROM. The software available with this database allows you create and tailor exams to your specific needs. Transparency Pack (0-13-047708-7). Over 200 full-color transparencies chosen from the text put principles into visual perspective and save you time while you are preparing your lectures. Instructor's Resource CD (0-13-047700-1). An Instructor CD, ROM that contains almost all of the art from the text. Using the included MediaPortfolio software, instructors can browse for figures and other media elements by thumbnail and description as well as search by key word or title. This CD also contains two pre-built PowerPoint Presentations for each chapter as well as PDF files of each image. Making It Easier to Learn: Supplements for Students Study Guide and Full Solutions Manual (0-13-047706-0) and Study Guide and Selected Solutions Manual (0-13-047707-9), both by Susan McMurry. The selected version provides solutions only to those problems that have a short answer in the text's Selected Answer appendix (problems numbered red in the text). Both versions explain in detail how the answers to in-text and end-of-chapter problems are obtained. They also contain chapter summaries, study hints, and self-tests for each chapter. Companion Website for Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, Fourth Edition. Built to complement the text as part of an integrated course package, the easy-to-use Companion Website features the following content for each chapter: a summary, a gallery of animated objects that demonstrate the ideas within that chapter, a gallery of 3-D molecules that students can manipulate, practice quizzes, a math tutorial covering skills needed to succeed in this course, and links to websites of career interest and other relevance to students in this course. Students can access the site at http://chemistry.prenhall.com/mcmurrygob. For the Laboratory Exploring Chemistry: Laboratory Experiments in General, Organic and Biological Chemistry (0-13-047714-1) by Julie R. Peller of Indiana University. Written specifically to accompany Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, this manual contains 33 fresh and accessible experiments specifically for GOB students. Annotated Instructor's Manual (0-13-047715-X) by Libbie S. Pelter to Exploring Chemistry: Laboratory Experiments in GOB provides the instructor with goals, special instructions, chemical and equipment lists, plus answers for each experiment. Catalyst: The Prentice Hall Custom Laboratory Program for Chemistry (0-536-67450-7). This CD-ROM allows you to custom-build a chemistry lab manual that matches your content needs and course organization. You can either write your own labs using the Lab Authoring Kit tool, or select from the hundreds of labs available on the CD. This CD also allows you to add your own course notes, syllabi, or other materials.
Fundamentals of General, Organic and Biological Chemistry FROM THE PUBLISHER This top-selling book on general, organic, and biological chemistry offers clear and concise use of language, thoughtful attention to problem solving, and engaging discussions of relevant applications. Effectively covering the essentials of allied health chemistry without becoming bogged down in excessive and unnecessary detail, it puts chemistry in the context of everyday life applications, presenting a friendly narrative that is highly accessible for the readers with no scientific background. Reflects current scientific and clinical developments, and contains over 100 boxed applications covering a wide variety of special topic including medicine, physiology, and nutrition. Includes McMurry's innovative ballpark questions that test readers' understanding of concepts and develop analytical thinking skills. Presents a unique organization of the biochemistry that interweaves the study of biomolecules and their metabolism. Now offers an extensively upgraded illustration program, featuring larger, clearer, and more consistent high-impact art; unique Connections boxes that highlight the careers of practicing allied health professionals through compelling interviews; Understanding Key Concepts review problems that stress reasoning, visualization, and conceptual understanding; Concept Links and Looking Ahead notes that improve overall integration of general, organic, and biological subject areas, and more. Text is shrinkwrapped with a free Chemistry SkillBuilder CD-ROM. For allied health, environmental technology, agriculture, and related professionals.
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