Book Description
This introduction to statistics emphasizes inference; data collection and analysis are covered extensively as needed to evaluate the reported results of statstical studies and to make good business decisions. Stresses the development of statistical thinking—the assessment of credibility and value of the inferences made from data—both by those who consume and those who produce the information. Provides numerous case studies, examples, and exercises that all draw on real business situations and recent economic events. Includes Excel computer printouts (with PHStat add-in) as well as SPSS and MINITAB printouts (SAS and STATISTIX dropped). A useful reference for business professionals who need to brush up on their statistics knowledge.
Statistics for Business and Economics FROM THE PUBLISHER
Statistics for Business and Economics, 7/e, is the tool students need to help them become informed business decision makers in the twenty-first century. Important statistical ideas and techniques are presented within the context of real-life business situations. The reader is challenged to think critically about problems and to employ one of the many technological tools available - including EXCEL, SPSS, SAS, or Minitab - to reach an informed, well-presented conclusion. Exciting new problem-solving oriented features of the book include: Statistics in Action - boxes in each chapter examine high-profile business, economics, government, and entertainment issues with questions to motivate thought and discussion; Showcases - six extensive, real-business cases present background information and guidelines for performing a statistical analysis using data files contained on the enclosed data disk. The student gains hands-on experience in preparing a professional document to present the results of the analysis and to draw conclusions based on the data; and Internet Lab - six labs instruct the student in retrieving and analyzing raw data downloaded from the Internet.
A new edition of an advanced undergraduate level text intended for students with a non-calculus background. Presents statistical theory and principles in the context of real business situations to encourage practical problem-solving. Also covers some of the technological tools available, including EXCEL, SPSS, SAS, or Minitab. MacIntosh or Windows data disk includes learning objectives, thinking challenges, concept presentation slides, and worked examples. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.
For business students ready for total immersion in multiple regression analysis, model building, analysis of variance, and categorical data analysis, this iteration offers such highlights as exploring data with statistical computer software and the TI-83 graphing calculator, "statistics in action" issues (e.g. ethics in computer technology and use), and reality-based exercises. Appends basic counting rules, statistical tables, analysis of variance formulas, and answers to selected exercises. Supplementary materials are available. Those who find this weighty text daunting may be relieved to know that a streamlined version, , for single semester courses is available. McClave is at the U. of Florida. No dates are furnished for previous editions. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (