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The Oriental 7-Day Quick Weight-Off Diet  
Author: Norvell, John Heinerman
ISBN: 0132549050
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review
Oriental 7-Day Quick Weight-off Diet


An easy-to-follow regimen that emphasizes fast, recognizable results, The Oriental 7-Day Quick Weight-Off Diet achieves permanent weight loss by replacing the customary diet plan's program of hunger, deprivation, and sacrifice with a healthy philosophy of eating for enjoyment. In fact, by following this simple eating plan, an overweight person may actually consume more food than in the past, and still lose excess pounds at a startling rate! One of the essential features of the Oriental Diet is "negative energizer foods." According to Norvell, these astounding foods require more energy to digest than they give to the body. This means that the more of these reducing foods you eat, the more weight you will lose! Now revised and expanded to include updated diet and nutrition information from all of the countries of the Pacific Rim, here's a small sample of what you'll discover in this remarkable guide... a "Vitalic" Sustaining Diet that breaks the traditional dietary cycle of weight loss and re-gain; a complete list of negative energizer foods and how to mix them with your meals to enable you to lose up to two pounds a day, until you reach the weight you desire; how to add zest to your Oriental Diet that adds nourishment without fat; tips and techniques for satisfying your sweet tooth without adding weight; and simple nutrition strategies to help you use the diet plan safely and effectively.


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