Book Description Affairs, obsessions, ardors, fantasy, myth, legend and dream, fear, pity, and violence—this magnificent collection of stories illuminates all corners of the human experience. Previously published in two volumes—Collected Short Stories and The Last Word and Other Stories—these forty-nine stories reveal Graham Greene in a range of contrasting moods, sometimes cynical and witty, sometimes searching and philosophical. Each one confirms V. S. Pritchett’s statement that Greene is "a master of storytelling."
About the Author Graham Greene (1904–1991) began to attract notice as a novelist in 1932 with his fourth book, Orient Express. He converted to Catholicism in 1926, a transformation that influenced several "Catholic" novels, including Brighton Rock, The Heart of the Matter, and The End of the Affair. During World War II he worked for the British secret service in Sierra Leone; afterward he began wide-ranging travels as a journalist, reflected in such novels as The Quiet American and Travels with My Aunt. As well as his many novels, Greene wrote several collections of short stories, four travel books, six plays, two books of autobiography, two biographies, and four books for children.
Complete Short Stories (Penguin Classics Series) FROM THE PUBLISHER Affairs, obsessions, ardors, fantasy, myth, legend and dream, fear, pity, and violence—thismagnificent collection of stories illuminates all corners of the human experience. Previously published in two volumes—Collected Short Stories and The Last Word and Other Stories—these forty-nine stories reveal Graham Greene in a range of contrasting moods, sometimes cynical and witty, sometimes searching and philosophical. Each one confirms V. S. Pritchett's statement that Greene is ￯﾿ᄑa master of storytelling.￯﾿ᄑ Author Biography: Graham Greene (1904￯﾿ᄑ1991) began to attract notice as a novelist in 1932 with his fourth book, Orient Express. He converted to Catholicism in 1926, a transformation that influenced several ￯﾿ᄑCatholic￯﾿ᄑ novels, including Brighton Rock, The Heart of the Matter, and The End of the Affair. During World War II he worked for the British secret service in Sierra Leone; afterward he began wide-ranging travels as a journalist, reflected in such novels as The Quiet American and Travels with My Aunt. As well as his many novels, Greene wrote several collections of short stories, four travel books, six plays, two books of autobiography, two biographies, and four books for children.