Book Description
A new translation of an important text for Greek mythology used as a source book by classicists from antiquity to Robert Graves, The Library of Greek Mythology is a complete summary of early Greek myth, telling the story of each of the great families of heoric mythology, and the various adventures associated with the main heros and heroines, from Jason and Perseus to Heracles and Helen of Troy. Using the ancient system of detailed histories of the great families, it contains invaluable genealogical diagrams for maximum clarity.
Language Notes
Text: English (translation)
Original Language: Greek
The Library of Greek Mythology FROM THE PUBLISHER
Apollodorus' Library has been an invaluable source book for early Greek myths from the time of its compilation in the first/second century BC to the present, influencing writers from the scholars of Byzantium to Robert Graves. It provides a complete history of Greek myth, telling the story of each of the families of heroic mythology and the various adventures associated with the main heroes and heroines, from Jason and Perseus to Heracles and Helen of Troy. As a primary source for Greek myth, as a reference work, and as an indication of how the Greeks themselves viewed their mythical traditions, the Library is indispensable to anyone who has an interest in classical mythology. Robin Hard's accessible and fluent translation is supplemented by comprehensive notes, a map, and full genealogical tables. The Introduction gives a detailed account of the Library's sources and discusses the developing traditions of Greek mythical narrative.