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Literature for Today's Young Adults  
Author: Kenneth L. Donelson
ISBN: 0205410359
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

Book Description
Renowned authors Alleen Nilsen and Ken Donelson offer a comprehensive, reader-friendly introduction to young adult literature framed within a rich literary, historical, and social context. It also provides teachers with criteria for evaluating books of all genres, from poetry and nonfiction to mysteries, science fiction, and horror. Coverage of timely issues, such as pop culture and mass media, helps teachers connect with students' lives outside the classroom. Young adult literature framed within a rich literary, historical, and social context. It also provides teachers with criteria for evaluating books of all genres, from poetry and nonfiction to mysteries, science fiction, and horror. Coverage of timely issues, such as pop culture and mass media, helps teachers connect with students' lives outside the classroom. Young Adult Literature.

From the Back Cover
Literature for Today's Young Adults Gets Better and Better… With new features and thoroughly updated, the number one book in Young Adult Literature continues to help teachers learn how to motivate teenagers to become life-long readers. Written with the belief that students will have a better chance of becoming life-long readers if they have choices in what they read and if they enjoy it, renowned authors Alleen Nilsen and Ken Donelson offer a comprehensive, reader-friendly introduction to young adult literature framed within a rich literary, historical, and social context. New To This Edition! 18 New Author Boxes include original statements by such famous writers as Judy Blume, Joyce Carol Oates, and Jack Gantos allowing students to study their views on current issues as they relate to literature. Enhanced Honor List chart presents crucial information on the best 3 to 10 books for young adults published each year since 1967 and shows what characteristics these “best” books have in common (Chapter 1). Thoroughly revised, the Pop Culture chapter (Ch. 3) provides background information on how modern Young Adult literature fits in with popular culture and with general adult reading to help students gain respect for the field in general as a subject of scholarship. Coverage of censorship has been increased (Ch. 12) to provide students with arguments to defend themselves if a book they are teaching is censored or questioned. Praise for Literature for Today's Young Adults: “I truly enjoy using this text.” Professor Linda Tabers-Kwak, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay “…students have responded that this is the best textbook they have ever used in any class and that it is one they will not “sell back” to the bookstore.” Professor Cora Dunkley, University of South Florida About Your Authors: Ken Donelson and Alleen Nilsen have a long history of working to promote reading by young adults. In the 1970's, they co-founded what is now The ALAN Review for the Assembly on Literature for Adolescents of NCTE, and in the 1980's they were co-editors of The English Journal. Although Dr. Donelson retired from ASU in 2002, they continue to work together to make this seventh edition as updated, and as comprehensive and readable as its predecessors.

Literature for Today's Young Adults


With new features and thoroughly updated, the number one book in Young Adult Literature continues to help teachers learn how to motivate teenagers to become life-long readers. Written with the belief that students will have a better chase of becoming life-long readers if they have choices in what they read and if they enjoy it, Ken Donelson's and Alleen Nilsen's book offers a comprehensive, reader-friendly introduction to young adult literature framed within a rich literary, historical, and social context.


Written for junior high and high school teachers and librarians, this textbook presents student choice as the key to encouraging lifelong reading. Chapters discuss the history of adolescent literature, pop culture, specific genres such as poetry, fantasy, and history, the evaluation of young adult books, the use of literature in English classes, and censorship. Reading lists and author profiles appear throughout. The authors are affiliated with Arizona State University. Annotation ©2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR


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