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Oman: Political Development in a Changing World  
Author: Carol J. Riphenburg
ISBN: 0275961443
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
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Book Description
Riphenburg systematically analyzes the dynamics of Oman's current political and economic development. Not only does she bring readers up-to-date on the country's efforts to move toward a semiparticipatory and semiconstitutional form of government, but she also investigates Oman's approach to the challenges it will encounter in the 21st century. These problems include: a future of declining oil resources and of rapid population growth, an era that will demand the development of the country's human resources and call upon them to diversify and privatize the economy.

About the Author
CAROL J. RIPHENBURG is Associate Professor of Political Science at the College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, IL.

Oman: Political Development in a Changing World


Riphenburg systematically analyzes the dynamics of Oman's current political and economic development. Not only does she bring readers up-to-date on the country's efforts to move toward a semiparticipatory and semiconstitutional form of government, but she also investigates Oman's approach to the challenges it will encounter in the 21st century. These problems include: a future of declining oil resources and of rapid population growth, an era that will demand the development of the country's human resources and call upon them to diversify and privatize the economy.


A survey of the modern history and development of Oman.



Analyzes the structures and processes of Omani politics and society as the country moves from a period of elation while spending its recently discovered oil revenues to the imminence of a more austere future. Examines the evolution of Omani society, looking especially at participation, the role of women, and proactive efforts to manage economic change. Also looks at foreign policy, focusing on relations with the northern Gulf states, with the states of the Arabian peninsula, and with the West. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.


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