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Expecting Twins, Triplets, and More: A Doctor's Guide to a Healthy and Happy Multiple Pregnancy  
Author: Rachel McClintock Franklin
ISBN: 0312328230
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
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Book Description
Expecting two or more?

With humor, hope, and practical wisdom, Dr. Rachel Franklin helps you to better understand the unique circumstances of multiple pregnancy and birth. From the time you hear the news to the time you take home your bundles of joy, Expecting Twins, Triplets, and More will be an invaluable resource on what to expect, how to cope, and how to enjoy the journey.

This reassuring reference includes information on:

-Telling family, friends, and coworkers the news
-Choosing a doctor
-Exercising and eating well
-Coping strategies trimester by trimester
-Preparing for labor and delivery
-Understanding potential complications and their solutions
-Navigating the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit)
-Celebrating the births and bringing home the babies

Expecting Twins, Triplets, and More is like having a friend, who also happens to be a doctor, share her experience and expertise to help you best take care of yourself and your babies at this very special time.

About the Author
Rachel Franklin, M.D., mother of twins, is a board-certified family medicine specialist in private practice in Oklahoma City. Her practice includes obstetrics and gynecology services. Visit her Web site at

Expecting Twins, Triplets, and More: A Doctor's Guide to a Healthy and Happy Multiple Pregnancy


Expecting two or more?

With humor, hope, and practical wisdom, Dr. Rachel Franklin helps you to better understand the unique circumstances of multiple pregnancy and birth. From the time you hear the news to the time you take home your bundles of joy, Expecting Twins, Triplets, and More will be an invaluable resource on what to expect, how to cope, and how to enjoy the journey.

This reassuring reference includes information on:

-Telling family, friends, and coworkers the news
-Choosing a doctor
-Exercising and eating well
-Coping strategies trimester by trimester
-Preparing for labor and delivery
-Understanding potential complications and their solutions
-Navigating the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit)
-Celebrating the births and bringing home the babies

Expecting Twins, Triplets, and More is like having a friend, who also happens to be a doctor, share her experience and expertise to help you best take care of yourself and your babies at this very special time.


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