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Wizard in Chaos  
Author: Christopher Stasheff
ISBN: 0312860323
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

From Library Journal
In this new entry in "The Rogue Wizard" series (A Wizard in Peace, LJ 9/15/96), Gar Pike and his companion Dirk DuLaine land their spaceship on a planet colonized by people from Earth who, as a result of a rejecting government, devolved into a medieval society at war. Gar and Dirk seek a solution to the constant warfare. The mixture of fantasy and sf blends well with Stasheff's dry wit and commentary on societal evolution. For libraries that own the series.Copyright 1997 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From Kirkus Reviews
Another adventure for do-gooder Wizard Gar Pike (A Wizard in Peace, 1996, etc.), his sidekick Dirk DuLaine, and their intelligent spaceship Herkimer, as they zoom around the galaxy looking for misgoverned planets to emancipate. This time, planet Durvie, founded by anarchists, has mostly regressed into squabbling statelets--except for the laser-packing, high-tech Fair Folk of the Hollow Hills, who masquerade as magic-powered fairies in order to parasitize the local Milesians. Naturally, Gar Pike exposes their duplicity and tricks them into accepting responsibility--but he also loses Dirk, who marries local beauty and freedom-fighter Magda and settles down. Agreeable fare for series regulars. -- Copyright ©1997, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.

Wizard in Chaos


In A Wizard in Chaos, Gar Pike encounters no dictator to resist, no bungling bureaucrats, no monarchy to overthrow - there's no government whatsoever! But instead of a paradise of free people, Gar finds a backward society in a constant state of war.


Kirkus Reviews

Another adventure for do-gooder Wizard Gar Pike (A Wizard in Peace, 1996, etc.), his sidekick Dirk DuLaine, and their intelligent spaceship Herkimer, as they zoom around the galaxy looking for misgoverned planets to emancipate. This time, planet Durvie, founded by anarchists, has mostly regressed into squabbling statelets—except for the laser-packing, high-tech Fair Folk of the Hollow Hills, who masquerade as magic-powered fairies in order to parasitize the local Milesians. Naturally, Gar Pike exposes their duplicity and tricks them into accepting responsibility—but he also loses Dirk, who marries local beauty and freedom-fighter Magda and settles down.

Agreeable fare for series regulars.


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