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Delta Force : The Army's Elite Counterterrorist Unit  
Author: Charlie A. Beckwith, Donald Knox
ISBN: 0380809397
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

"Absolutely compelling...nations without men like this simply don't survive."

Book Description
The only insider's account ever written on America's most powerful weapon in the war against terrorismDelta Force

About the Author
Charles Beckwith is the legendary military maverick behind Delta Force, America's elite counterterrorist unit. This is his only book. He is deceased.

Delta Force: The Army's Elite Counterterrorist Unit


The only insider's account ever written on America's most powerful weapon in the war against terrorismDelta Force


Wall Street Journal

Absolutely compelling...nations without men like this simply don't survive.

Armed Forces Journal

A page turner...hard to put down; you come to the end of one page and can't wait to read the next one. It leaves you dehydrated, because you won't put it down long enough to get another beer...It's one of those rare books that military people will annotate and underline and hesitate ever to lend out...Beckwith's candor is extraordinary...You end up reading Delta Force feeling good about America and the people who serve it in uniform — and most of the brass who lead them.

Wall Street Journal

Absolutely compelling...nations without men like this simply don't survive.

Armed Forces Journal

A page turner...hard to put down; you come to the end of one page and can't wait to read the next one. It leaves you dehydrated, because you won't put it down long enough to get another beer...It's one of those rare books that military people will annotate and underline and hesitate ever to lend out...Beckwith's candor is extraordinary...You end up reading Delta Force feeling good about America and the people who serve it in uniform — and most of the brass who lead them.


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