Having previously dissected the factual inaccuracies of a single bellicose talk show host in Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot, Al Franken takes his fight to a larger foe: President George W. Bush, the Bush Administration, Ann Coulter, Bill OReilly, and scores of other conservatives whom, he says, are playing loose with the facts. It's a lot of ground to cover, as evidenced by the 43 chapters in Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them, but the results are often entertaining and insightful. Franken occupies a unique place in the modern political dialogue as perhaps the media's only comedy writer and performer who is also a Harvard fellow as well as a liberal political commentator. This unique and vaguely lonely position lends a charming quixotic quality to adventures such as a tense encounter with the Fox News staff at the National Press Club, a challenge to fisticuffs with National Review Editor Rich Lowry, and an oddly sweet admissions visit to ultra-conservative Bob Jones University (with a young research assistant posing as his son when Franken's real-life son refuses to participate in the charade). Less useful are comic book dramatizations of "Supply Side Jesus" and a fictitious Vietnam War story featuring the numerous righties who, Franken intimates, improperly avoided service. And Franken's criticisms of conservative talk show hosts Sean Hannity, OReilly, and columnist Coulter, while admirable in their attention to detail, fail to shed much new light on people who have built careers on broad arguments and relentless self-aggrandizement. But Franken is at his best, and most compellingly readable, when he backs off the wackiness and the personal grudges and writes about more personal matters such as the political circus surrounding the memorial service of the late Senator Paul Wellstone. But even on these more serious topics, Franken's wit is still present and, in fact, grows sharper. In a time when much political discourse is composed of rage and shouting, it's refreshing that Al Franken is able to shout in a witty manner. --John Moe
From AudioFile
Doctrinaire right-wingers may hate and even avoid this examination of contemporary political conservatism, but they shouldn't. There's something important to learn here--not so much about antiliberal perfidy, as the author intends, but about the tricks used in political discourse by liars of all persuasions. In addition to large dollops of sarcasm and irony, Franken uses thorough research and common sense to uncover spin, half-truths, and downright fibs that TV, politicians, and the press feed us every day. If you've seen him on the tube, you know his sound, which either you like or you don't. Unlike other comics who read their own books (for example, Whoopi Goldberg and George Carlin), Franken has not stiffened up at the microphone. In fact, his energy and spontaneity don't flag anywhere in the 10-hour recording. Occasional readings by actor friends are a welcome addition to the printed text. Y.R. Winner of AudioFile Earphones Award © AudioFile 2003, Portland, Maine-- Copyright © AudioFile, Portland, Maine
From Booklist
It's one thing to read about right-wing lies from the likes of journalist Eric Alterman and Joe Conason but quite another to hear the inconsistencies and twisted rhetoric filtered through the satiric brain of Al Franken. True, much of the material covered in all these books is the same--or, as Franken puts it in his acknowledgments, "Eric Alterman, thanks for writing a book on bias I could just put jokes to." But it's Franken's take on it that is so delicious. Unlike his more serious fellow writers, he does not feel compelled toward civility or decorum. Hence his chapter title: "Ann Coulter: Nutcase," or the next chapter: "You Know Who I Don't Like? Ann Coulter." And although personal attacks abound--"Bill O'Reilly: Lying, Splotchy Bully"--there's plenty of real talk about really serious stuff. Only Franken makes it funny. For instance, he deftly proves, with help from the Project for Excellence in Journalism, how Al Gore was steamrollered by the "liberal" press in the 2000 election; reveals the lies made by the Right about the Paul Wellstone memorial; and explains about as clearly as anyone how the Bush tax cuts work and whom they benefit. Even the chapters that don't quite work--Franken trying to get a fake son into Bob Jones University--evoke a few smiles. Expect big word of mouth on this one, which was rushed into print early to capitalize on the quickly rejected suit filed by Fox News against the book's title and cover design. Ilene Cooper
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved
New York Times Book Review
Funny, angry, and intelligent.
Wickedly funny.
San Francisco Examiner
Knowledgeable and funny . . . [A] tough-minded look at politicians and the press.
Book Description
Al Franken, "one of our savviest satirists" (People), takes on the issues, the politicians, and the pundits in one of the most anticipated books of the year. For the first time since his own classic Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot and Other Observations, Al Franken trains his subversive wit directly on the contemporary political scene. Now, the "master of political humor" (Washington Times) destroys the myth of liberal bias in the media, and exposes how the Right shamelessly tries to deceive the rest of us. No one is spared as Al uses the Right's own words against them. Not the Bush administration and their rhetorical hypocrisy. Not Ann Coulter and her specious screeds. Not the new generation of talk-radio hosts, and not Bill O'Reilly, Roger Ailes, and the entire Fox network. This is the book Al Franken fans have been waiting for (and his foes have been dreading). Timely, provocative, unfailingly honest, and always funny, Lies is sure to become the most talked about book of political humor in 2003 and beyond.
Download Description
"Al Franken, ""one of our savviest satirists"" (People), takes on the issues, the politicians, and the pundits in one of the most anticipated books of the year. For the first time since his own classic Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot and Other Observations, Al Franken trains his subversive wit directly on the contemporary political scene. Now, the ""master of political humor"" (Washington Times) destroys the myth of liberal bias in the media, and exposes how the Right shamelessly tries to deceive the rest of us. No one is spared as Al uses the Right's own words against them. Not the Bush administration and their rhetorical hypocrisy. Not Ann Coulter and her specious screeds. Not the new generation of talk-radio hosts, and not Bill O'Reilly, Roger Ailes, and the entire Fox network. This is the book Al Franken fans have been waiting for (and his foes have been dreading). Timely, provocative, unfailingly honest, and always funny, Lies is sure to become the most talked about book of political humor in 2003 and beyond."
About the Author
Al Franken is the bestselling author of Oh, the Things I Know!, Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot and Other Observations, Why Not Me?, and I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough and Doggone It, People Like Me!
Excerpted from Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right by Al Franken. Copyright © 2003. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Introduction God chose me to write this book. Just the fact that you are reading this is proof not just of Gods existence, but also of His/Her/Its beneficence. Thats right. I am not certain of Gods precise gender. But I am certain that He/She/It chose me to write this book. This isnt hubris. Im not saying this in an egotistical way. God didnt choose me because Im the greatest writer who ever lived. That was William Shakespeare, whose work I have a passing familiarity with. No. I just happened to be the right vessel at the right time. If something in this book makes you laugh, it was Gods joke. If something makes you think, its because God had a good point to make. The reason I know God chose me is because God spoke to me personally. God began our conversation by clearing something up. Some of George W. Bushs friends say that Bush believes God called him to be president during these times of trial. But God told me that He/She/It had actually chosen Al Gore by making sure that Gore won the popular vote and, God thought, the electoral college. "THAT WORKED FOR EVERYONE ELSE," God said. "What about Tilden?" I asked, referring to the 1876 debacle. "QUIET!" God snapped. God was angry. God said that after 9/11, George W. Bush squandered a unique moment of national unity. That instead of rallying the country around a program of mutual purpose and sacrifice, Bush cynically used the tragedy to solidify his political power and pursue an agenda that panders to his base and serves the interests of his corporate backers. God told me that Bush squandered a $4.6 trillion surplus and is plunging us into deficits as far as God can see. And that Bush squandered another surplus. The surplus of goodwill from the rest of the world that he had inherited from Bill Clinton. And this was pissing God off. He/She/It was right. But it sounded like a lot of work. "Look, God, Im flattered, but I think you got the wrong guy. The kind of book youre talking about would require months of research." And God said, "LET THERE BE GOOGLE. AND LET THERE BE LEXISNEXIS." "Very funny, God. I use Google all the time." "YES, I KNOW," God said. "FOR HOT ASIAN TEENS." "You must be thinking of my son, Joe." "AL? I'M OMNISCIENT." "Okay, okay." I changed the subject. "Its just that I cant do this book myself." "LEAVE THAT TO ME," God boomed. And thats when Harvard called. *** Harvards Kennedy School of Government asked me to serve as a fellow at its Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics, and Public Policy. After my varied and celebrated career in television, movies, publishing, and the lucrative world of corporate speaking, being a fellow at Harvard seemed, frankly, like a step down. I couldnt think of anything less appealing than molding the minds of tomorrows leaders, unless it was spending fireside evenings sipping sherry with great minds at the Faculty Club. Yawn. To my surprise and delight, though, all Harvard wanted me to do was show up every once in a while and write something about something. That gave me an idea. "Would it be okay if I wrote a scathingly partisan attack on the rightwing media and the Bush administration?" "No problem," Harvard said absentmindedly. "Count me in," I replied. "From now on call me Professor Franken." "No," Harvard said, "youre not a professor. But you can run a study group on the topic of your choosing." "Great," I said. "Ive got the perfect topic: Write My Sons Harvard College Application Essay." "No," they said. "Harvard students already know how to write successful Harvard applications, Al. We want you to teach them something new." Harvard was right where I wanted it. "How about if the topic is: How to Research My Book?" "Sure," Harvard said. "Most of our professors teach that course. Why, in the Biochemistry department, most of the graduate level courses are- " Harvard was boring me. "I gotta run, Harvard. Thanks." *** I had my Nexis, I had my Google, I had my Harvard fellowship, and I had my fourteen research assistants. I sat down to write. Nothing. So I got on my knees and prayed for guidance. "How, God, can I best do Your work through this book? Who, dear Lord, is the audience for a book like this? And whats a good title?" God answered, "YOU KNOW THOSE SHITTY BOOKS BY ANN COULTER AND BERNIE GOLDBERG?" "The best-sellers that claim theres a liberal bias in the media?" I asked. "TOTAL BULLSHIT," God said. "START BY ATTACKING THEM. HE'S CLEARLY A DISGRUNTLED FORMER EMPLOYEE, AND SHE JUST LIES. BY THE WAY, THERE'S SOMETHING SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH HER." "Thats pretty obvious." "SO GO AFTER THEM, THE WHOLE LIBERAL BIAS MYTH, AND THEN GO AFTER THE RIGHT-WING MEDIA. ESPECIALLY FOX." "Okay, God, Im writing this down." "THEN USE THEM AS A JUMPING-OFF POINT TO GO AFTER BUSH. YOU KNOW, BIG TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH, SURGING UNEMPLOYMENT, IGNORING EVERYONE BUT HIS CORPORATE BUDDIES, SCREWING THE ENVIRONMENT, PISSING OFF THE REST OF THE WORLD. THAT STUFF. AND THAT'S YOUR BOOK." "Got it. One last thing. Title." "HOW ABOUT BEARERS OF FALSE WITNESS AND THE FALSE WITNESS THAT THEY BEAR?" "Hmm. I, uh, Ill work with that." Reprinted from Lies: And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them-A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right by Al Franken by permission of Dutton, a member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. Copyright © Al Franken, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. This excerpt, or any parts thereof, may not be reproduced without permission.
Lies: And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right FROM THE PUBLISHER
Al Franken, one of our ᄑsavviest satiristsᄑ (People), has been studying the rhetoric of the Right. He has listened to their cries of ᄑslander,ᄑ ᄑbias,ᄑ and even ᄑtreason.ᄑ He has examined the Bush administration's policies of squandering our surplus, ravaging the environment, and alienating the rest of the world. He's even watched Fox News. A lot.
And, in this fair and balanced report, Al bravely and candidly exposes them all for what they are: liars. Lying, lying liars. Al destroys the liberal media bias myth by doing what his targets seem incapable of: getting his facts straight. Using the Right's own words against them, he takes on the pundits, the politicians, and the issues, in the most talked about book of the year.
Timely, provocative, unfailingly honest, and always funny, Lies sticks it to the most right-wing administration in memory, and to the right-wing media hacks who do its bidding. conservatives have effectively used against Democrats... sharp analysis and humor. (Associated Press)
Author Biography: Al Franken is the #1 bestselling author of Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot and Other Observations; Why Not Me?; Oh, the Things I Know!; and I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me! In 2003, he served as a Fellow with Harvard's Kennedy School of Government at the Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics, and Public Policy.
The New York Times
Note to Bill O'Reilly, the de facto publicist for Lies thanks to Fox News's hapless efforts to block its publication: Never say "Never said it" or "You can't find a transcript where I said it" when a man with 14 researchers is on your trail. In a book that baits its targets with varying degrees of success, Mr. Franken makes a bull's-eye out of Mr. O'Reilly. First the prize: he shows how Mr. O'Reilly's erroneous claim that he won a Peabody Award evolved into even bigger fibs once it was challenged.
Janet Maslin
The Washington Post
This guy Al Franken is nasty. He's mean. He's vicious. He is, in short, the perfect guy to write a book attacking America's nasty, mean, vicious right-wing pols, pundits and preachers. But Franken has something that his targets conspicuously lack -- a sense of humor. This book is laugh-out-loud funny.
Peter Carlson
Library Journal
Franken returns to the political arena with his best book yet. Along with the 14 Harvard students who make up "Team Franken," he employs a somewhat unique approach in writing this work: fact-checking and research to back up his satirical look at the right. The first major target he tackles is the myth that the media are liberal; a brief look at the 2000 presidential election debacle should be enough to convince most rational people to the contrary. Fortunately, Franken has many more examples. His appearances on C-SPAN have shown what happens when conservative talk-show host Bill O'Reilly tries to use his vocal bullying tactics on a professional satirist. The author covers this event and other media misrepresentations with wit and humor. The chapters on Bush's tax cuts, environmental record, and the ongoing war will help convince the listener that it wasn't just Al Gore who was bushwhacked in Florida. Sure to be a hit with Franken's many fans, this program is highly recommended for all libraries. For those not blinded by the right, this will serve as a wake-up call to look further than the local paper or TV news coverage for topics that matter.-Theresa Connors, Arkansas Tech Univ., Russellville Copyright 2004 Reed Business Information.
Doctrinaire right-wingers may hate and even avoid this examination of contemporary political conservatism, but they shouldn't. There's something important to learn herenot so much about antiliberal perfidy, as the author intends, but about the tricks used in political discourse by liars of all persuasions. In addition to large dollops of sarcasm and irony, Franken uses thorough research and common sense to uncover spin, half-truths, and downright fibs that TV, politicians, and the press feed us every day. If you've seen him on the tube, you know his sound, which either you like or you don't. Unlike other comics who read their own books (for example, Whoopi Goldberg and George Carlin), Franken has not stiffened up at the microphone. In fact, his energy and spontaneity don't flag anywhere in the 10-hour recording. Occasional readings by actor friends are a welcome addition to the printed text. Y.R. Winner of AudioFile Earphones Award © AudioFile 2003, Portland, Maine