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Cullinan and Galda's Literature and the Child (with InfoTrac)  
Author: Lee Galda, Bernice E. Cullinan
ISBN: 0534246834
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

Book Description
Since this book's debut, LITERATURE AND THE CHILD has become a popular choice in the children's literature market. The book covers the two major topical areas of children's literature-genres of children's literature (e.g., picture books, folklore, etc.) and the use of children's literature in the classroom. The book is beautifully written and illustrated to reflect the tone and feel of children's books. Extensive booklists are provided for the student to use as an ongoing resource. This book now comes with a four-month subscription to InfoTrac College Edition to introduce related children's literature journals. A new CD-ROM linked to a powerful Web site includes many valuable resources, such as continually updated booklists and access to an online community of instructors and students where you can share teaching ideas, lesson plans, book reviews, and much more.

About the Author
After teaching in elementary and middle school classrooms for a number of years, Lee Galda received her Ph.D. in English Education from New York University. A former professor at the University of Georgia, she is now a professor at the University of Minnesota where she teaches courses in children's literature and language arts. Lee is a member of the National Reading Conference, the National Council of Teachers of English, the International Reading Association, the American Library Association, the United States Board on Books for Young People, and she sits on the review boards of many professional journals. She was the Children's Books Department editor for THE READING TEACHER from 1989 to 1993 and is currently a contributing editor for THE RIVERBANK REVIEW. Author of numerous articles and book chapters about children's books, Lee recently co-authored a chapter on research in children's literature in the HANDBOOK OF READING RESEARCH, VOLUME III. She lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with her husband and two children.

Cullinan and Galda's Literature and the Child


Since this book's debut, Literature And The Child has become a popular choice in the children's literature market. The book covers the two major topical areas of children's literature-genres of children's literature (e.g., picture books, folklore, etc.) and the use of children's literature in the classroom. The book is beautifully written and illustrated to reflect the tone and feel of children's books. Extensive booklists are provided for the student to use as an ongoing resource. This book now comes with a four-month subscription to InfoTrac College Edition to introduce related children's literature journals. A new CD-ROM linked to a powerful Web site includes many valuable resources, such as continually updated booklists and access to an online community of instructors and students where you can share teaching ideas, lesson plans, book reviews, and much more.



Galda (children's literature, U. of Minnesota) and Cullinan (author of more than 30 books on children's literature) explore the realm of children's literature. In the first part of the text, individual chapters are devoted to the genres of poetry, picture books, folklore, fantasy, contemporary realistic fiction, historical fiction, biography, and nonfiction. The second section focuses on pedagogical issues such as developing responsive readers and literature-based instruction at the preschool, primary, intermediate, and middle school levels. The included CD-ROM works in conjunction with a Web site which contains a searchable database of book lists on particular topics, web links, postings of winners of the Newbery and Caldecott awards, and exercises. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)


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