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Look What Came from Germany (Look What Came from)  
Author: Kevin Davis
ISBN: 061329680X
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

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Describes many things that originally came from Germany, including inventions, vehicles, household items, customs, animals, fairy tales, and food.

Look What Came from Germany


Describes many things that originally came from Germany, including inventions, vehicles, household items, customs, animals, fairy tales, and food.


Such familiar things as Christmas trees, the dachshund, X rays, frankfurters, laundry detergent, and aspirin all had the start in Germany.


Children's Literature - Childrens Literature

Did you know that hot dogs and Groundhog's Day originated in Germany? And that beer did not? You find out plenty in this interesting little book. A spirited discussion about the things that came from Germany includes--inventions, such as the printing press; modes of transportation, such as the first successful gasoline-powered automobile; and household items like cologne (first bottle made of lemon, orange, and mint oil by a barber in the town of Cologne). Other sections discuss customs, such as the origins of the birthday cake with candles and the tradition of making a wish; pets like the poodle that was trained to retrieve ducks from puddles; fairy tales written down by the Brothers Grimm; and food, such as strudel, Black Forest cake, and the hamburger! All of this is laid out attractively with large pictures suitable for presenting to a classroom. There is a short list of English words with German translations and a pronunciation guide. Also, there is a map, list of resources, glossary, and index. One of the "What Came from" series. 1999, Franklin Watts/Grolier Publishing, Ages 7 to 10, $21.00 and $6.95. Reviewer: Carol Raker Collins—Children's Literature


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