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Star Trek The Next Generation #59: Gemworld #2, Vol. 2  
Author: John Vornholt
ISBN: 0671042718
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

Book Description
Sparkling like a three-dimensional snowflake in the depths of space, Gernworld once was one of the Federation's greatest marvels. Six different alien races coexisted peacefully on an artificial world composed entirely of crystal -- until the very substance of Gemworld began to multiply out of control, tearing the world apart. Now the entire planet -- and the Starship Enterprise™ as well-faces total destruction. The only way to stop the disaster is to turn off the vast network of force fields holding Gemworld's atmosphere in place, but to do so will require the cooperation of each of the planet's half dozen alien civilizations, one of which sabotaged Gemworld in the first place. With time running out, Captain Picard and his crew, including a lovestruck Lieutenant Barclay, must embark on a hazardous trek across the dying planet to find and unite the chief engineers from many strange and exotic races -- while watching out for a mass murderer determined to destroy a world!

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The "Enterprise" crew sets out to find out who's responsible for the slow destruction of Gemworld, the crystal planet. A powerful sect that views the planet's artificial shell as holy resists Picard's tampering. But a mysterious murder occurs, suggesting that the planet itself is responsible for Gemworld's destruction.

Star Trek The Next Generation #59: Gemworld #2, Vol. 2


Sparkling like a three-dimensional snowflake in the depths of space, Gernworld once was one of the Federation's greatest marvels. Six different alien races coexisted peacefully on an artificial world composed entirely of crystal -- until the very substance of Gemworld began to multiply out of control, tearing the world apart. Now the entire planet -- and the Starship Enterprise™ as well-faces total destruction.

The only way to stop the disaster is to turn off the vast network of force fields holding Gemworld's atmosphere in place, but to do so will require the cooperation of each of the planet's half dozen alien civilizations, one of which sabotaged Gemworld in the first place. With time running out, Captain Picard and his crew, including a lovestruck Lieutenant Barclay, must embark on a hazardous trek across the dying planet to find and unite the chief engineers from many strange and exotic races -- while watching out for a mass murderer determined to destroy a world!



This two-volume set tells about the efforts of Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise to save an ancient planet named Gemworld from the destructive effects of a dimensional rift that is spewing dark matter in its vicinity. Gemworld is the home of six very different sentient species who have worked together over the centuries to save their world. The planet, which is made up of growing crystal structures, has practically no gravity and the atmosphere has to be held in place by a sophisticated force field around the world. Reg Barclay becomes the unlikely hero in this interesting SF adventure. By the end of the first installment, Reg and Data have figured out that somehow the computer program that creates the force field around Gemworld has been sabotaged into an endless loop for collecting the dark matter that is being deposited nearby. The second and final book in the Gemworld series provides all of the answers to the various mysteries that confront Captain Picard and the Enterprise as they try to save a unique world from destruction. Picard and Barclay discover that the dimensional rift is caused by a malevolent being from a different dimension who is trying to gain vengeance for an ancient act of genetic piracy by one of the sentient races on Gemworld. KLIATT Codes: JSA—Recommended for junior and senior high school students, advanced students, and adults. 2000, Pocket Books, 233p, 18cm, $6.50. Ages 13 to adult. Reviewer: Hugh M. Flick, Jr.; Silliman College, Yale Univ., New Haven, CT, May 2000 (Vol. 34 No. 3)


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