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Thurgood Marshall: Young Justice (Childhood of Famous Americans Series)  
Author: Montrew Dunham
ISBN: 0689820429
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

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A biography emphasizing the childhood of the man who became the first African-American to sit on the United States Supreme Court.

Thurgood Marshall: Young Justice (Childhood of Famous Americans Series)


A biography emphasizing the childhood of the man who became the first African-American to sit on the United States Supreme Court.


Children's Literature - Jeanne K. Pettenati

Thurgood Marshall was a brilliant lawyer and Supreme Court Justice. But he was also a boy who played long hours with friends and pulled pranks from time to time. While he was the mischief-maker of the family, Marshall's brother Aubrey was the studious son, who went on to become a doctor. Marshall grew up in segregated Baltimore, under the loving care of his parents and a large extended family. His love of the law and hunger for justice were nurtured by his father, who took Marshall to the courthouse to observe trials. Marshall's extraordinary life is truly an inspiration to all. He, who suffered discrimination firsthand, understood that the promise of "justice for all" in the Constitution would remain a myth until all discrimination was eradicated. And he toiled tirelessly to that end. This account of his early life is part of the publisher's "Childhood of Famous Americans" series. Factual detail is embellished with fictionalized anecdotes and conversations to make the book accessible and interesting to young readers. In all it is consistent with historical context and Marshall's character.


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