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MCSE Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-298): Designing Security for Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network  
Author: Roberta Bragg
ISBN: 0735619697
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
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From Book News, Inc.
Describes the skills and concepts related to creating Windows-based security designs for the network infrastructure, the management and maintenance of the network, basic network functions, and wireless networks. The training kit assumes at least one year experience implementing and administering desktop operating systems and network operating systems that support 250 users in three or more physical locations. The CD-ROM contains 300 practice questions and a 180-day evaluation edition of Windows server 2003.Copyright © 2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

Book Description
Announcing an all-new MCSE TRAINING KIT designed to help maximize your performance on Exam 70-298, one of two core MCSE design exams. Written by well-known IT security consultant, columnist, and speaker Roberta Bragg, this kit packs the tools and features exam candidates want most—including in-depth, self-paced training based on exam content; exam tips from an expert, exam-certified author; and a robust testing suite. It also provides practice exercises and design activities for the skills and expertise you can apply to the job. Focusing on designing security for a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 network, the official study guide covers gathering and analyzing business and technical requirements; creating the logical and physical design for a security-enhanced network infrastructure; designing an access control strategy for enterprise data; and creating physical design for a security-enhanced client infrastructure. Ace your exam preparation by working at your own pace through the lessons, practices, design activites, and practice tests. The flexible, best-of-class testing suite features a test engine on the CD-ROM, 300 practice questions, and pre-assessment and post-assessment capabilities. Choose timed or untimed testing mode; generate random tests or focus on discrete objectives or chapters; and get detailed explanations for right and wrong answers—including a customized learning path to enhance further study. You also get a 180-day evaluation version of Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition software—making this kit an exceptional value and a great career investment.

About the Author
Roberta Bragg, MCSE:Security, CISSP, Security+, is a well-known information systems security consultant, columnist, and speaker. She is the author of several highly regarded security books, writes MCP Magazine's popular "Security Advisor" column and 101communications’ weekly Security Watch newsletter. As founder of Have Computer Will Travel, Inc., she currently consults on information security. In addition, she has authored Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine's "Security Advisor" column for five years, writes a column for 101 Communication's Security Watch newsletter (for which she provides security tips and commentary for over 55,000 people on a weekly basis), and has written several books on information security.

MCSE Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-298): Designing Security for Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network


Announcing an all-new MCSE Training Kit designed to help maximize your performance on Exam 70-298, one of two core MCSE design exams. Written by well-known IT security consultant, columnist, and speaker Roberta Bragg, this kit packs the tools and features exam candidates want most-including in-depth, self-paced training based on exam content; exam tips from an expert, exam-certified author; and a robust testing suite. It also provides real-world scenarios and case study examples for the skills and expertise you can apply to the job.

Focusing on designing security for a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 network, the official study guide covers gathering and analyzing business and technical requirements; creating the logical and physical design for a security-enhanced network infrastructure; designing an access control strategy for enterprise data; and creating physical design for a security-enhanced client infrastructure.

Ace your exam preparation by working at your own pace through the lessons, hands-on exercises, and practice tests. The flexible, best-of-class testing suite features a test engine on CD-ROM, 300 practice questions, and pre-assessment and post-assessment capabilities. Choose timed or untimed testing mode; generate random tests or focus on discrete objectives or chapters; and get detailed explanations for right and wrong answers-including a customized learning path to enhance further study. You also get a 180-day evaluation version of Windows Server 2003 software-making this kit an exceptional value and a great career investment.


Get in-depth preparation for Exam 70-298, a core security-related MCSE design exam for Microsoft Windows Server 2003-as you build real-world job skills. The kit includes a 300-question test bank, full review, case studies, evaluation software, and more.


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