Book Description The Fast Track series initially will cover the four core exams (everyone must take these) and two of the most popular electives, passing all of which earns the candidate MCSE status. Each book has two parts: Part I--the biggest piece of the book, averaging 200 pages--gets you ready for the test FAST, covering just what you need to know to pass the test, assuming you have a working knowledge of the technology to begin with. Part II (averaging 50-75 pages) takes you through the test and into the real-world use of the technology, with chapters on: Fast Facts Review Section: Digest of each chapter-ending 'What's Important-to-Know' section from Part I. Hotlists of Exam-Critical Concepts Sample Test Questions: One question per key point made in the book Insider's Spin (on taking the exam): What Microsoft doesn't necessarily want you to know Did You Know?: Invaluable real-world applications for the technology covered in the exam, taken from the author's training and consulting files.