Book Description
The Fast Track series already covers the four core exams (everyone must take these) and two of the most popular electives, passing all of which earn the candidate MCSE status. SQL Server 7 Administration adds to the growing list of popular electives offered in Fast Track format. Each book has two parts: Part I gets you ready for the test FAST, covering just what you need to know to pass the test, assuming you have a working knowledge of the technology to begin with. Part II takes you through the test and into the real-world use of the technology, with chapters on: Fast Facts Review Section: Digest of each chapter-ending 'What's Important-to-Know' section from Part I; Hotlists of Exam-Critical Concepts; Sample Test Questions: One question per key point made in the book; Insider's Spin: What Microsoft doesn't necessarily want you to know; Did You Know?: Invaluable real-world applications for the technology covered in the exam, taken from the author's training and consulting files.
From the Back Cover
The Fast Track series already covers the four core exams (everyone must take these) and two of the most popular electives, passing all of which earn the candidate MCSE status. SQL Server 7 Administration adds to the growing list of popular electives offered in Fast Track format. Each book has two parts: Part I gets you ready for the test FAST, covering just what you need to know to pass the test, assuming you have a working knowledge of the technology to begin with. Part II takes you through the test and into the real-world use of the technology, with chapters on: Fast Facts Review Section: Digest of each chapter-ending 'What's Important-to-Know' section from Part I; Hotlists of Exam-Critical Concepts; Sample Test Questions: One question per key point made in the book; Insider's Spin: What Microsoft doesn't necessarily want you to know; Did You Know?: Invaluable real-world applications for the technology covered in the exam, taken from the author's training and consulting files.
About the Author
Andy Ruth has been in the computer industry since the late 1970's when he joined the U.S. Navy and provided support of flight simulators. In the corporate environment, he has provided systems support for computers ranging from large mainframes to small pc networked environments. He holds the MCT and MCSE + I certifications, as well as others, and he has written a number of other books on Microsoft products. Ruth is currently a Program Manager at Microsoft Corporation working with the Windows 2000 training curriculum and is also a guest speaker at technology seminars.
Fast Track MCSE SQL Server 7 Administration FROM THE PUBLISHER
Drawing on their combined years of experience in consulting and teaching the advanced-level candidate, Andy Ruth and Anil Desai have written MCSE Fast Track: SQL Server 7 Administration to give you everything you need to pass this exam without overwhelming you with unnecessary detail.
Andy Ruth has been in the computer industry since the late 1970's when he joined the U.S. Navy and provided support of flight simulators. In the corporate environment, he has provided systems support for computers ranging from large mainframes to small pc networked environments. He holds the MCT and MCSE + I certifications, as well as others, and he has written a number of other books on Microsoft products. Ruth is currently a Program Manager at Microsoft Corporation working with the Windows 2000 training curriculum and is also a guest speaker at technology seminars.