If you're serious about learning IIS 4--and not just wiggling your way through the test--MCSE Training Guide: Internet Information Server 4 is a great self-paced course. The real hallmark of this second edition is its use of structured chapters and study aids, where traditional textbook structure is combined with self-paced study for MCSE exam 70-087. This Microsoft-approved study guide follows the structure of the examination by topic and objective. However, the first section varies from that approach a bit to quickly summarize the various components and services found in IIS 4.
The real hallmark of this second edition is its use of structured chapters and study aids. Readers will easily find vital information without stumbling through excessive graphics or attempts at shortcutting the material. Bulleted objective lists, complete chapter outlines, and study strategies for sections are helpful tools. Inside each lesson are examination tips, warnings, case studies, and step-by-step exercises that familiarize the reader with the feature at hand. Discussions conclude with exercises, review questions, sample exam questions, and references to additional related resources.
Perhaps the key to using this guide is picking the right elements to pay attention to. Fortunately, it offers plenty to choose from and covers the material in excellent detail. --Stephen W. Plain
Book Description
This book will be the second edition of MCSE Training Guide: Internet Information Server 4 and it will complete a set of second edition Training Guides for the MCSE track. The first edition has sold well. This was the first book published to include a simulation of the IIS product - a real coup because product simulations represented 20% of the IIS 4.0 exam, and a brand new question type from Microsoft. This edition will cover the exam's product simulations in much more detail, and prepare the reader with real-world detail and experience to reinforce the training concepts within the chapters. The new elements of the Training Guide will round out the second edition to provide the most technologically and pedagogically sophisticated product on the market today.
From the Back Cover
This book will be the second edition of MCSE Training Guide: Internet Information Server 4 and it will complete a set of second edition Training Guides for the MCSE track. The first edition has sold well. This was the first book published to include a simulation of the IIS product – a real coup because product simulations represented 20% of the IIS 4.0 exam, and a brand new question type from Microsoft. This edition will cover the exam's product simulations in much more detail, and prepare the reader with real-world detail and experience to reinforce the training concepts within the chapters. The new elements of the Training Guide will round out the second edition to provide the most technologically and pedagogically sophisticated product on the market today.
MCSETraining Guide: Internet Information Server 4 FROM THE PUBLISHER
This book will be the second edition of MCSE Training Guide: Internet Information Server 4 and it will complete a set of second edition Training Guides for the MCSE track. The first edition has sold well. This was the first book published to include a simulation of the IIS product – a real coup because product simulations represented 20% of the IIS 4.0 exam, and a brand new question type from Microsoft. This edition will cover the exam's product simulations in much more detail, and prepare the reader with real-world detail and experience to reinforce the training concepts within the chapters. The new elements of the Training Guide will round out the second edition to provide the most technologically and pedagogically sophisticated product on the market today.
This next generation Training Guide has been developed to help you study and retain the essential knowledge you need to pass the Internet Information Server 4 exam. We know your study time is valuable and we have made every effort to make the most of it by presenting clear, accurate, and thorough information.
When creating this next generation Training Guide, our goal was to raise the bar on how MCSE content is written, developed, and presented. From the new design that gives you easy access to content areas to new software simulators that allow you to perform tasks in a simulated operating system environment, we are confident that you will be thoroughly prepared for exam success.
Just look inside to see the difference.
Organized by the actual exam objectives, New Riders' Training Guides maximize your valuable study time:
Exam Tips are gained from frontline MCSE training
Study Strategies help you study smarter
Step-by-Step Exercises walk you through key tasks
Case Studies put concepts into real-world context
Summaries and Review Breaks ensure your progress is on track
Review Questions and Exam Questions gauge your retention at the end of every chapter
Hands-On Exercises further test your technical knowledge
Practice Exam provides a complete exam that puts your studying to the test
Fast Facts offer an ideal, last-minute review
Top Score Software simulates the exam situation you'll encounter at the testing center