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Flying: The Aviation Trilogy  
Author: Richard Bach
ISBN: 0743247477
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

The New York Times A classic of men who sail the upper regions of the earth.

Book Description
Here for the first time in a single volume are three of Richard Bach's most compelling works about flight. From his edgy days as a USAF Alert pilot above Europe in an armed F84-F Thunderstreak during the Cold War to a meander across America in a 1929 biplane, Bach explores the extreme edges of the air, his airplane, and himself in glorious writing about how it feels to climb into a machine, leave the earth, and fly. Only a handful of writers have translated their experiences in the cockpit into books that have mesmerized generations.

About the Author
Richard Bach is the author of fifteen other books, including the bestselling Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Illusions as well as the ongoing series The Ferret Chronicles. A former USAF fighter pilot, gypsy barnstormer, and airplane mechanic, he flies a seaplane today.

Flying: The Aviation Trilogy


Here for the first time in a single volume are three of Richard Bach's most compelling works about flight.

From his edgy days as a USAF Alert pilot above Europe in an armed F84-F Thunderstreak during the Cold War to a meander across America in a 1929 biplane, Bach explores the extreme edges of the air, his airplane, and himself in glorious writing about how it feels to climb into a machine, leave the earth, and fly.

Only a handful of writers have translated their experiences in the cockpit into books that have mesmerized generations.


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