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   Book Info

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Author: Coleman South
ISBN: 0761401725
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

From School Library Journal
Grade 6-10?Straightforward, up-to-date overviews of two Arab nations. In addition to the standard coverage of country books, these well-written texts address the changing roles of women; marriage and funeral customs; examples of typical wages; and the manner in which different social, ethnic, and religious groups interact with one another. The attractive layout features a high-quality full-color photo on each page. Pastel-colored blocks of text give more in-depth information about high-interest topics. An uncluttered physical map of the country is useful, as is a world map that shows the nation's relative size and continent placement. A "Quick Note" section outlines major statistics and ready-reference facts. Arabic words are defined in the text and in the glossary. Two valuable additions that flesh out cultures that Americans need to know more about.?Sandra L. Doggett, Urbana High School, Walkersville, MDCopyright 1995 Reed Business Information, Inc.



School Library Journal

Gr 6-10Straightforward, up-to-date overviews of two Arab nations. In addition to the standard coverage of country books, these well-written texts address the changing roles of women; marriage and funeral customs; examples of typical wages; and the manner in which different social, ethnic, and religious groups interact with one another. The attractive layout features a high-quality full-color photo on each page. Pastel-colored blocks of text give more in-depth information about high-interest topics. An uncluttered physical map of the country is useful, as is a world map that shows the nation's relative size and continent placement. A ``Quick Note'' section outlines major statistics and ready-reference facts. Arabic words are defined in the text and in the glossary. Two valuable additions that flesh out cultures that Americans need to know more about.Sandra L. Doggett, Urbana High School, Walkersville, MD


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