Book Description
Updated to include references to the Clinton White House years and the Bush-versus-Gore presidential election, this manual presents two model AP exams with answer keys and explanations, plus an extensive topic review. Topics covered include an overview of U.S. Constitutional development from its origins to the present day, as well as an analysis of government institutionsthe presidency, the congress, the judiciary, and the attendant bureaucracy. Also covered is a summary of the American political process, how it functions, and updated reviews of major public policy issuesthe economy, the federal budget, social welfare and entitlements, environmental issues, the conduct of foreign policy, and national defense.
How to Prepare for the AP U. S. Government and Politics FROM THE PUBLISHER
Complete preparation for the Advanced Placement Examination in U.S. Government and Politics includes a detailed subject review and two full-length model exams with all questions answered and explained. Topics covered in the subject review include Constitutional development from its foundations to the present day, federal government structure and institutions, the political process, and public policy issues from the economy and federal budget to foreign policy and national defense. The author also offers helpful advice on organizing study time when preparing to take the exam.