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Sky at Night: Your Guide to the Heavens  
Author: Robin Kerrod
ISBN: 0764173839
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

Book Description
Here's a great way for amateur astronomers to get started in the study of stars, planets, and other celestial objects. This handsomely packaged kit provides stargazers with the following items: A Planisphere, a 9" diameter laminated double disk with a night sky star chart on the base disk and a movable top disk providing directional bearings and scales that mark hours of the night and months of the year; an Astrotorch, a small flashlight that gives off a beam of red light, allowing star watchers to study charts when they're outside on a dark starry night; "Mapping the Skies," a 128-page spiral-bound book of sky maps and charts; "The Star Guide," another 128-page spiral-bound book of full-color sky photos, illustrations, and a lively text that explains the science of astronomy. Lucky owners of this kit will be off to a great start in understanding what they're seeing when they gaze up at the night sky. It's also a great teacher's tool for science class.

About the Author
Author Robin Kerrod, a Fellow of Britain's Royal Astonomical Society, is a renowned astronomy author. He publishes a series of astronomy wall charts for schools and has authored an electronic space encyclopedia on CD-ROM.

Sky at Night: Your Guide to the Heavens


Here's a great way for amateur astronomers to get started in the study of stars, planets, and other celestial objects. This handsomely packaged kit provides stargazers with the following items: A Planisphere, a 9" diameter laminated double disk with a night sky star chart on the base disk and a movable top disk providing directional bearings and scales that mark hours of the night and months of the year; an Astrotorch, a small flashlight that gives off a beam of red light, allowing star watchers to study charts when they're outside on a dark starry night; "Mapping the Skies," a 128-page spiral-bound book of sky maps and charts; "The Star Guide," another 128-page spiral-bound book of full-color sky photos, illustrations, and a lively text that explains the science of astronomy. Lucky owners of this kit will be off to a great start in understanding what they're seeing when they gaze up at the night sky. It's also a great teacher's tool for science class.


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