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Windowsý 98 Simplifiedý  
Author: Ruth Maran
ISBN: 0764560301
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

This fine book uses clear illustration techniques to explain how to perform elementary Windows 98 tasks, teaching such essential skills as copying files, formatting floppy disks, installing printers, surfing the Web, and communicating via electronic mail using Outlook Express. If you're completely unable to accomplish anything under Windows 98 and you're nervous about experimenting alone, Windows 98 Simplified will get you up to speed.

The most elementary of the Windows 98 books in IDG's 3-D Visual series, this full-color tome is almost identical to Master Windows 98 Visually, also by Ruth Maran; however, a few details (such as how to print from Paint) are omitted. In most cases Windows 98 Simplified uses the same illustrations as its sister volume, with one key exception: many of the illustrations in this book have cartoon "diskette people" superimposed on them. These diskette people, speaking in comic-book bubbles, point out key facts about Windows 98. Most of the time the facts spoken by the diskette people are the same words used in the caption to the corresponding illustration found in Master Windows 98 Visually. Yet while the comments are clear and insightful, it's unclear how having cartoon characters deliver tips benefits the user. --David Wall

From Library Journal
MaranGraphics takes the picture-book approach to introducing Windows 98. Simplified is for the total novice. It is very simple, completely illustrated, and very clear and belongs in all public library collections. Teach Yourself and the Visual Pocket Guide focus on Window basics, file management, customizing Windows, optimizing your computer, browsing the web, exchanging E-mail, and working with channels. Neither book is deep, but both are very effective for those new to Windows 98; Teach Yourself may be best for libraries because of its standard rather than "pocket" size. Master Windows 98 Visually combines the visual approach with a comprehensive reference approach, covering just about anything you can imagine short of programming. This complete visual reference, with lots of discussion, belongs in computer labs and behind reference desks as well as in the stacks. Over all, a very well done series.Copyright 1998 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Book Description
With more than five million satisfied users, the acclaimed IDG Books' 3-D Visual® Series has become synonymous with introductory computer book publishing excellence. Windows® 98 Simplified®, with full color graphics on every page, is simply the easiest way to learn Windows 98.

Windows 98 Simplified shuttles you through the taskbar, the Active Desktop, e-mail, Web integration, channels, shortcuts, custom features, and more with step-by-step instructions and helpful illustrations. The maranGraphics team, using the latest technological advances, delivers remarkably sharp screen renderings that take you into the Windows desktop and demonstrate specific tasks. With Windows 98 Simplified, you'll become a PC whiz faster than you ever thought possible!

Book Info
Designed to bring extra value & skill-building instructions to the reader as written by experts who understand & care about the reader. Presented in the simplest manner using graphics & easy to understand instruction. Paper.

From the Back Cover
Are you new to computers? Does new technology make you nervous? Relax! You're holding in your hands the easiest guide ever to Window 98 — a book that skips the long-winded explanations and shows you how things work. All you have to do is open the book, follow the friendly disk character — and discover just how easy it is to get up to speed.A friendly disk character introduces each taskSelf-contained, two-page lessons make learning a snapFull-color screen shots walk you through step-by-stepUseful tips offer extra hints for each taskSimplified"I absolutely Love all the fantastic graphics that you put into this incredible book. You've got a fan for life!! Thanks so much!!" —Kevin P. Quinn (Oakland, CA) "I bought two of your books from a local bookstore, and it was the best investment I've ever made! Thank you for thinking of us ordinary people" —Jeff Eastman (West Des Moines, IA)

About the Author
Ruth Maran is the Author and Architect of maranGraphics books. She creates the words and structure that are the basis for the books.

Windows 98 Simplified


With more than five million satisfied users, the acclaimed IDG Books￯﾿ᄑ 3-D Visual® Series has become synonymous with introductory computer book publishing excellence. Windows® 98 Simplified®, with full color graphics on every page, is simply the easiest way to learn Windows 98.

Windows 98 Simplified shuttles you through the taskbar, the Active Desktop, e-mail, Web integration, channels, shortcuts, custom features, and more with step-by-step instructions and helpful illustrations. The maranGraphics team, using the latest technological advances, delivers remarkably sharp screen renderings that take you into the Windows desktop and demonstrate specific tasks. With Windows 98 Simplified, you￯﾿ᄑll become a PC whiz faster than you ever thought possible!


Library Journal

MaranGraphics takes the picture-book approach to introducing Windows 98. Simplified is for the total novice. It is very simple, completely illustrated, and very clear and belongs in all public library collections. Teach Yourself and the Visual Pocket Guide focus on Window basics, file management, customizing Windows, optimizing your computer, browsing the web, exchanging E-mail, and working with channels. Neither book is deep, but both are very effective for those new to Windows 98; Teach Yourself may be best for libraries because of its standard rather than "pocket" size. Master Windows 98 Visually combines the visual approach with a comprehensive reference approach, covering just about anything you can imagine short of programming. This complete visual reference, with lots of discussion, belongs in computer labs and behind reference desks as well as in the stacks. Over all, a very well done series.


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