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MCSE: SQL Server 7  
Author: Lance Mortensen
ISBN: 0782123821
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
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Book Description
Going for your MCSE+Internet certification? Here's the information you need to pass the System Administration for Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 exam. The study guide provides full coverage of each exam objective defined by Microsoft, together with the information you need to deploy, configure, and administer SQL Server effectively in the real world. The CD includes information resources and a custom test-preparation program.

MCSE: SQL Server 7


Here is the book you need to prepare for Exam 70-028, Administering Microsoft SQL Server 7.0. This Microsoft Certified Professional Approved Study Guide provides full coverage of every exam objective - all the information you need to know; hundreds of challenging review questions, both in the book and on the CD; and practical information on applying SQL concepts and techniques in the real world.


Here's the book you need to prepare for Exam 70-028, Administering Microsoft SQL Server 7.0. This Microsoft Certified Professional Approved Study Guide provides:

Full coverage of every exam objective--all the information you need to know
Hundreds of challenging review questions, in the book and on the CD
Practical information on applying SQL concepts and techniques in the real world
Authoritative coverage of critical exam topics, including:

Choosing and implementing a security strategy
Planning the physical placement of files
Developing a data migration plan Determining your replication strategy
Installing and configuring SQL Server
Assigning SQL Server access
Automating administrative tasks
Loading, backing up, and restoring data
Enabling access to remote data
Monitoring and optimizing SQL Server performance
Troubleshooting SQL Server
Featured on the CD

The enclosed CD contains exam-preparation software developed by the authors exclusively for Network Press, giving you the opportunity to test your knowledge of the material under exam conditions. Also included, Microsoft's Train_Cert Offline Update provides you with authoritative information on all of Microsoft's education and certification programs.


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