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Complete Java 2 Certification Study Guide  
Author: Phillip Heller
ISBN: 0782142761
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

Newly revised and updated for Java 2 standards, the second edition of The Complete Java 2 Certification Study Guide is packed with information on what you'll need to know to pass both the Sun Java Programmer and Developer Exams. With Java certification becoming ever more popular, this title is an essential resource for anyone who's preparing for it.

The cover of the book asserts that one of its team authors actually contributes questions to Sun's tests.

The goal here isn't so much to beat the testmakers (although the book has plenty to say about test-taking strategy) as it is to master the finer points of Java that you'll need to understand to succeed on the exam. The focus is on the areas that Sun has defined as important. The Programmer Exam--the first level of Sun certification--is covered first. Basic language features are reviewed, such as access specifiers, operators, and other keywords that will help make you an expert. (Some sections explain with great clarity the mysteries of Java's "extra" shift operator and other features.) Other chapters cover threads and multithreading strategies, as well as user-interface design with layout managers (which Sun considers important).

The second half of the volume concentrates on the Developer Exam, a more free-form exercise in which programmers write custom code, based on a specification from Sun. Two case studies, one for a room-scheduling application and another for a trouble-ticket system that tracks requests for technical support, illustrate this test. As the solution is presented, you'll learn how to build custom client/server software, and how to use Remote Method Invocation (RMI) and other advanced techniques. There's also advice for the best programming styles and choices for passing this challenging exam.

As in the previous edition, each chapter in this book concludes with sample questions (about 10 each) to help you study. In the new edition, there's now a full sample Programmer Exam (both printed and on the accompanying CD-ROM), which simulates the length and format of the real thing. In all, the new edition of this previously bestselling title will continue to provide helpful preparation for anyone who seeks Sun certification.

Despite the bulk (over 900 pages), this book actually makes for quick reading, and will help anyone decipher some of the more difficult aspects of the Java programming language. --Richard Dragan

Topics covered: Introduction to Sun certification and the Programmer Exam Java language fundamentals: primitive data types, literals, arrays, and garbage collection Java operators up close (including evaluation order and the shift operators) Access specifiers (public, private, default, and protected) Converting and casting rules in Java (including promotions) Flow-control statements Exception handling Object-oriented design primer Overloading and overriding Inheritance and subclassing Inner classes Threads and synchronization techniques Using the Math, String, and StringBuffer classes effectively The Java 2 Collections API Layout managers Event handling AWT components Painting File I/O Introduction to the Sun Developer Exam Sample room-reservation case study Working with Java databases Creating a client/server system from scratch Remote Method Invocation (RMI) Multithreading issues User-interface design with Swing Trouble-ticket problem tracker case study Using Swing JTable, JTree, and other Swing controls How to submit finished exam work to Sun Tips for the follow-up exam Sample Programmer Exam (including CD-ROM version) The future of Sun certification

Book Description
Here is a revised and enhanced edition of the most revered Java certification guide, with in-depth coverage of the latest versions of the Java Programmer and Developer exams (310-035 and 310-027). Written by the people who actually created the exams for Sun (author Phil Heller wrote the Developer exam and author Simon Roberts developed the Programmer exam), this insider's guide will prepare you to take these two hot exams with confidence. Sybex Study Guides are packed with exceptional study tools--hundreds of challenging review questions and electronic flashcards that help reinforce key topics, and real-world scenarios that offer perspectives and insights from seasoned professionals. The CD includes an advanced testing engine with hundreds of sample exam questions and the entire book in PDF.

Book Info
Designed specifically to teach you all you need to know to pass the Java 2 certification exam. Designed to help tackle the complex programming problems of the Developer exam. CD-ROM included.

Complete Java 2 Certification Study Guide


Here￯﾿ᄑs the book you need to prepare for the Java 2 Programmer's and Developer's exams. This Study Guide provides:
In-depth coverage of every exam objective for the Programmer's Exam for J2SE 1.4
Hundreds of challenging practice questions
Leading-edge exam preparation software, including a test engine, sample simulation questions, and the entire book on PDF

Authoritative coverage of all Programmer's exam objectives, including:
Language fundamentals
Operators and assignments
Converting and casting
Flow control, exceptions, and assertions
Objects and classes
The java.lang and java.util packages

In-depth coverage of the topics covered in the Developer's exam, including:
Swing components and events
Layout managers
Enhancing and extending the database
Writing the network protocol
Building the database server
Connecting the client and server

Featured on the CD
Test your knowledge with advanced testing software. Includes an assessment test and all chapter review questions!

Hundreds of challenging questions representative of those you￯﾿ᄑll find on the real programmer￯﾿ᄑs exam.

About the Authors
Philip Heller is a technical author, novelist, public speaker, and consultant. He has been instrumental in the creation and maintenance of the Java Programmer and Developer exams. His popular seminars on certification have been delivered internationally. He is the co-author of several books on Java, all available from Sybex. Simon Roberts is a Sun Microsystems programmer, an instructor, an authority on the Java language, and the key player in the development of the entire Java certification program. James Casletto, contributor, has been writing Java code since 1996. He has been teaching Java programming for Sun Educational Services since 1998 and has authored several of their course books.


Here is a revised and enhanced edition of the most revered Java certification guide, with in-depth coverage of the latest versions of the Java Programmer and Developer exams (310-035 and 310-027). Written by the people who actually created the exams for Sun (author Phil Heller wrote the Developer exam and author Simon Roberts developed the Programmer exam), this insider's guide will prepare you to take these two hot exams with confidence. Sybex Study Guides are packed with exceptional study tools--hundreds of challenging review questions and electronic flashcards that help reinforce key topics, and real-world scenarios that offer perspectives and insights from seasoned professionals. The CD includes an advanced testing engine with hundreds of sample exam questions and the entire book in PDF.


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