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Chosen to Be God's Prophet: How God Uses Those He Chooses  
Author: Henry T. Blackaby
ISBN: 0785265554
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

From Publishers Weekly
As the second volume of the Biblical Legacy Series, Blackaby follows up his study of Abraham (Created to Be God's Friend) with this book of lessons based on the life of the prophet Samuel. Although the introduction implies that the book is aimed at a general Christian audience, the remaining chapters are squarely aimed at leaders in the church, if not exclusively at pastors. Continuing several of the themes from his best-selling book Experiencing God, Blackaby talks about the "defining moments" in the prophet's life. Emphasizing the importance of seeking God's will and direction at all times, he criticizes more individual-centered approaches to ministry and direction. The book reads very much like a sermon series. While some very conservative readers will be attracted, the larger reading audience will be disappointed with some of Blackaby's approaches. He departs from the main topic frequently to criticize things such as the individual's search for spiritual gifts, the rise of "worldly" worship styles and even the idea of having a "vision" for a church or ministry. In addition, the overall harsh tone of the book, the assumption that all leaders are male and the enormous pressure placed upon parents to raise "godly seed" will turn aside many readers.Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From AudioFile
Henry Blackaby's decades of experience as a minister and music director are evident in his delivery. Not only is he deeply concerned for his listeners and their relationship with God, but his pacing is strong as well. Blackaby delivers lines, then pauses to allow their significance to sink in. His voice is rich with compassion as he interprets the Old Testament Books of Samuel and relates them to contemporary life. However, the specific nature of his interpretations, and his translation and accenting of specific verses and principles, will limit the appeal of his work. Listeners unfamiliar with the perspectives of evangelical Protestant Christianity may find this work confusing. G.T.B. © AudioFile 2004, Portland, Maine-- Copyright © AudioFile, Portland, Maine

Book Description

Samuel's life was full of incredible-and defining-moments as God shaped him and guided him. As readers observe how God moved in Samuel's life, they will recognize those moments in their own lives; moments that that are so different from the run-of-the-mill ones. God uses these "divine moments," which often come during times of crisis, to bring His purposes to pass.

By taking a glimpse into what God did in Samuel's life, Dr. Blackaby enables readers to define those critical times in their lives when God selects us as His chosen servants.

About the Author
Henry T. Blackaby has spent his life in ministry as a music director, Christian education director, and senior pastor in churches in California and Canada. During his local church ministry, Dr. Blackaby became a college president, a missionary, and later an executive in Southern Baptist Convention life. He is now serving as the president of Henry Blackaby Ministries. The author of over a dozen books, including the bestselling Experiencing God Bible studies, Dr. Blackaby is a graduate of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. He has completed his Th.M. degree from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. He has also received three honorary doctorate degrees. Henry Blackaby and his wife, Marilynn, have five married children, all serving in Christian ministry. They are also blessed with thirteen grandchildren.

Chosen to Be God's Prophet: How God Uses Those He Chooses


Samuel's life was full of incredible—and defining—moments as God shaped him and guided him. As readers observe how God moved in Samuel's life, they will recognize those moments in their own lives; moments that that are so different from the run-of-the-mill ones. God uses these "divine moments," which often come during times of crisis, to bring His purposes to pass.

By taking a glimpse into what God did in Samuel's life, Dr. Blackaby enables readers to define those critical times in their lives when God selects us as His chosen servants.


Publishers Weekly

As the second volume of the Biblical Legacy Series, Blackaby follows up his study of Abraham (Created to Be God's Friend) with this book of lessons based on the life of the prophet Samuel. Although the introduction implies that the book is aimed at a general Christian audience, the remaining chapters are squarely aimed at leaders in the church, if not exclusively at pastors. Continuing several of the themes from his best-selling book Experiencing God, Blackaby talks about the "defining moments" in the prophet's life. Emphasizing the importance of seeking God's will and direction at all times, he criticizes more individual-centered approaches to ministry and direction. The book reads very much like a sermon series. While some very conservative readers will be attracted, the larger reading audience will be disappointed with some of Blackaby's approaches. He departs from the main topic frequently to criticize things such as the individual's search for spiritual gifts, the rise of "worldly" worship styles and even the idea of having a "vision" for a church or ministry. In addition, the overall harsh tone of the book, the assumption that all leaders are male and the enormous pressure placed upon parents to raise "godly seed" will turn aside many readers. (Apr. 15) ~ Forecast: Although this is not Blackaby's best work, and the prophet Samuel is not a headliner in the manner of Abraham (the subject of recent works by Blackaby, Bruce Feiler and David Klinghoffer), the author's dedicated fans will still seek it out. Nelson plans advertising in Baptist periodicals and a direct-marketing campaign to previous purchasers of Blackaby's books-often a successful strategy in the CBA market. Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information.


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