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Understanding Caffeine: A Biobehavioral Analysis, Vol. 2  
Author: Jack E. James
ISBN: 0803971826
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

Book News, Inc.
Australian applied psychologist James offers a broad but succinct review of the drug he calls the most popular on Earth. Among his topics are the pharmacology and toxicology, psychopathology, cardiovascular health, cancer, pregnancy and perinatal health, and beneficial uses. He also assembles evidence that caffeine is a drug of abuse. Paper edition (unseen), $21.95. -- Copyright © 1999 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR All rights reserved

Book Description
Caffeine is the most popular psychoactive substance in the world and one of the widest-traded commodities in the forms of coffee, tea, and soft drinks. But, is consumption of caffeine safe in terms of physical and mental health? Aimed at addressing this question, author Jack E. James traces how caffeine consumption evolved as well as how caffeine is absorbed, distributed, and metabolized in our bodies. He then probes the effects of caffeine on psychomotor and cognitive performance, psychological well-being, blood pressure and cardiovascular health, carcinogenic potentials, pregnancy and perinatal health, athletic performance, and diagnostic and therapeutic applications. The book concludes with an examination of the issue of whether or not caffeine is a drug of abuse and whether or not there is a safe level of caffeine consumption. Examining an understudied topic, Understanding Caffeine is a groundbreaking volume that will interest both professionals and practitioners in the fields of psychology, social psychology, public health, behavioral medicine, and nursing

Understanding Caffeine: A Biobehavioral Analysis, Vol. 2


The book contains black-and-white illustrations.


Caffeine is the most popular psychoactive substance in the world, and one of the widest-traded commodities in the forms of coffee, tea and cola soft drinks. But is consumption of caffeine safe in terms of physical and mental health?

Addressing this question, the author of this volume traces how caffeine consumption evolved as well as how caffeine is absorbed, distributed and metabolized in our bodies. He then discusses the effects of caffeine on: psychomotor and cognitive performance; psychological well-being; blood pressure and cardiovascular health; carcinogenic potentials; pregnancy and perinatal health; athletic performance; and diagnostic and therapeutic applications.


James, Jack E. (La Trobe Univ, Melbourne)


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