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The Art of Memory in Exile: Vladimir Nabokov & Milan Kundera  
Author: Hana Pichova
ISBN: 0809323966
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review
Art of Memory in Exile


"In The Art of Memory in Exile, Hana Pichova explores the themes of memory and exile in selected novels of Vladimir Nabokov and Milan Kundera. Both writers, Pichova argues, stress how personal and cultural memory serves as a creative means of overcoming the artist's and exile's loss of homeland. In their virtuoso displays of literary talent, Nabokov and Kundera showcase the strategies that allow their protagonists to succeed as emigres: a creative fusing of past and present through the prism of the imagination." Pichova closely analyzes two novels by each author: the first written in exile (Nabokov's Mary and Kundera's The Book of Laughter and Forgetting) and a later, pivotal novel in each writer's career (Nabokov's The Gift and Kundera's The Unbearable Lightness of Being). In all four texts, these authors explore how the kaleidoscope of personal and cultural memory confronts a fragmented and untenable present, contrasting the lives of fictional emigres who fail to bridge the gap between past and present with those emigres whose rich artistic vision allows them to transcend the trials of homelessness.


Pichová (Slavic languages and literatures, U. of Texas-Austin) chose Czech-born Kundera and Russian-born Nabokov as exemplifying writers who have successfully crossed cultural boundaries. She describes their struggle with linguistic and cultural differentiation as well as the usual challenges of exile. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)


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