At last--vivid, full-color postcards featuring Frida Kahlo's most popular works in a high-quality, inexpensive collection. This compilation of Kahlo's most famous and haunting works was selected from her passionate self-portraits, exotic still-lifes, and semi-surreal scenes. 22 full-color postcards.
Este libro reune pinturas, fotografias y dibujos pocos veces publicados juntos, obras de colecciones particulares, tanto de Europa como de Estados Unidos, México y Sudamerica de dificil acceso, son reproducidos aquí con toda la riqueza de sus detalles. El volumen esta acompañada por textos que hablan de la vida y la obra de esta notable artista, una de la mas importantes pinturas mexicanos del siglo XX.
English Translation: This fabulous book gathers paintings, photographs and drawings, rarely published togheter; wooks of hard to reach privade collections, from Europe and the United States, Mexico and Sohut America, and are reproduced here with all the richness of detail. This volume includes also texts that talk about the life and work of this remarkable artis, one of the most omportant mexican painters of the twentieh century