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The Pinter Ethic  
Author: P. Prentice
ISBN: 0815338864
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

From Book News, Inc.
A comprehensive analysis of Pinter's plays and screenplays that covers not only his earliest work but also his recent play, Moonlight, showing how Pinter's vision illuminates the methods by which drama engages an audience and by which he redefines love and justice. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.

The Pinter Ethic


The only comprehensive guide to the plays of one of the world's greatest yet most puzzling contemporary dramatists, The Pinter Ethic penetrates the mystery of Harold Pinter's work with compelling and authoritative insights that locate and disclose the primal power of his drama in his characters' powerplay for dominance. With remarkable clarity, Penelope Prentice's close reading of Pinter's work untangles the multiple ambiguities, complex conflicts and contradictory actions which continue to baffle, bewilder, and confound critics and audiences. She reveals that Pinter's plays reflect not a vision of postmodern hopelessness in a world threatening to self-destruct, but provoke unguessed choice and action that enlarge the concept of love and link it to justice. Offering a definitive analysis of Pinter's work--from his early poetry, fiction, interviews, essays and novel The Dwarfs to his most recent play Celebration--Prentice demonstrates why Pinter's work can only be communicated through drama where attitude and intention may count for little, but where action is all.


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