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Abraham Lincoln, Constitutionalism and Equal Rights in the Civil War Era (The North's Civil War Series , No 2)  
Author: Herman Belz
ISBN: 0823217698
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
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Book Description
When the American People went off to war in 1861, the task and the duty of maintaining the foundation principles of the republican experiment were in jeopardy. The question of if, and how, these principles should be preserved was of rpessing importance. The outcome of the war could require the republican government to be transformed in order to strengthen the union or, conversely, if the war created the revolutionary situation that at times seemed pending, new principles for the resulting new nation would have to be formed as it emerged from the destruction and dislocation of the war. These were the issues to bear on the Constitution during the Civil War. These were the dilemmas facing President Lincoln. This book, by one of the nation's leading constitutional historians, analyzes the nature and tendency of American Constitutionalism during the nation's greatest political crisis. In a series of related essays, Herman Belz combins detailed narrative with probing judicial analysis of the political thought of Abraham Lincoln, his exercise of executive power, and the application of the equality principle which would become a central issue during the Reconstruction. Belz's essays are interdisciplinary in their approach, combining history, political science, and jurisprudence to study the political and constitutional climate and the changes which occurred under Lincoln during and after te war. Belz studies Lincoln as the focus of both contemporary political controversy and subsequent historical debate over the conservative or revolutionary character of Civil War Constitutionalism. He explores the politically controversial nature of the equality principle that lay at the heart of the slavery struggle and its resolution in wartime emancipation.

About the Author
Herman Belz is Professor of History at the University of Maryland at College Park and is a leading expert on the constitution and politics in the Civil War Era.

Abraham Lincoln, Constitutionalism, and Equal Rights in the Civil War Era, Vol. 2


Was Lincoln a dictator, albeit benign? Was he a revolutionary nationalist, casting aside constitutional forms and procedures and paving the way for a twentieth-century "imperial presidency"? Or was he a constitutional chief executive who, even in the nation's darkest hour of crisis, operated within the limits imposed by the Founding Fathers? Was Reconstruction a revolutionary repudiation of the Constitution, or a legitimate amendment thereof? This book, by one of the nation's leading constitutional historians, analyzes the nature and tendency of American constitutionalism during the nation's greatest political crisis. In a series of related essays, Herman Belz combines detailed narrative with probing judicial analysis of the political thought of Abraham Lincoln, his exercise of executive power, and the application of the equality principle which would become a central issue during Reconstruction.


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