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Machinery's Handbook, 27th Edition  
Author: Erik Oberg, et al
ISBN: 0831127007
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

Book Description
Celebrating its 90th year, the newest edition of "The Bible" in its field brings together volumes of knowledge, information and data gathered, revised and improved upon from experts throughout the mechanical industries. Extraordinarily comprehensive yet easy to use since it premiered, Machinery’s Handbook provides mechanical and manufacturing engineers, designers, draftsmen, toolmakers, and machinists with a broad range material, from the very basic to the more advanced. It has always, and continues to provide industry fundamentals and standards while it moves into the 21st century with material reflecting technological advances and offering vast editorial improvements, making the 27th Edition the best tool…ever! New Features
-A new more usable organization…every section has been reformatted so that you will never have to search outside of that area for information on the topic you are exploring.
-30% MORE math coverage…from the basic to the advanced, you’ll find fractions, positive and negative numbers, derivatives and integrals, analytical geometry, circular segments, matrices and engineering economics.
-New or revised material on…cutting tools, screw threads, symbols and abbreviations, threads and threading, disc springs, properties and materials, sine bars, and sheet metal.
-Updated Standards.
-New individual indices for standards, materials, and interactive equations.

Machinery's Handbook


"...the bible of the mechanical industries, contains many additions and improvements, and continues to be the indispensable aid for the mechanical engineer, designer, manufacturing engineer, draftsman, toolmaker, & machinist.


Machinery's Handbook is the most popular engineering reference book of all time and is considered the standard reference for the mechanical industries worldwide. Millions of copies have been sold. The new 27th edition remains true to the Handbook's original design as an extraordinarily comprehensive yet practical and easy-to-use reference for mechanical and manufacturing engineers, designers, draftsmen, toolmakers, and machinists. Please see the editors' preface for a summary of what's new and improved in the 27th edition. As is the tradition, a revised Machinery's Handbook Guide 27th edition is available as well.


Celebrating its 90th year, the newest edition of ￯﾿ᄑThe Bible￯﾿ᄑ in its field brings together volumes of knowledge, information and data gathered, revised and improved upon from experts throughout the mechanical industries. Extraordinarily comprehensive yet easy to use since it premiered, Machinery￯﾿ᄑs Handbook provides mechanical and manufacturing engineers, designers, draftsmen, toolmakers, and machinists with a broad range material, from the very basic to the more advanced. It has always, and continues to provide industry fundamentals and standards while it moves into the 21st century with material reflecting technological advances and offering vast editorial improvements, making the 27th Edition the best tool... ever!

New Features
A new more usable organization￯﾿ᄑevery section has been reformatted so that you will never have to search outside of that area for information on the topic you are exploring. 30% MORE Math coverage￯﾿ᄑfrom the basic to the advanced, you￯﾿ᄑll find fractions, positive and negative numbers, derivatives and integrals, analytical geometry, circular segments, matrices and engineering economics. New or revised material on￯﾿ᄑcutting tools, screw threads, symbols and abbreviations, threads and threading, disc springs, properties and materials, sine bars, and sheet metal. Updated Standards. New individual indices for￯﾿ᄑstandards, materials, and interactive equations.


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