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Transit: Beirut : New Writing and Images  
Author: Malu Halasa (Editor), Roseann Khalaf (Editor)
ISBN: 0863565689
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
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Book Description
Welcome to the fried zone: where plastic surgery meets the emotional intensity of Um Kalsoum and Lebanese foodies go on the rampage. This is Beirut: a melee of pop culture chafing at Mid East traditions. In words and pictures, Transit: Beirut is an anthology of complex urban experience. The view is wide: from fiction to photography and everything in between. Rabih Alameddine, author of Kool Aids, meditates on occidental noses on Lebanese faces; Zeina B. Ghandour ponders the dissecting lines of TE Lawrence, Orientalism and a PLO grandmother's revolutionary milk; novelist Hassan Daoud unpeels Beiruti humor and lifestyles; while journalist Fadi Tufayli reveals a makeshift graveyard at the heart of the city's psyche.

Transit: Beirut: New Writing and Images


"Beirut - where plastic surgery meets the emotional intensity of Umm Kulthum, and Lebanese foodies go on the rampage. Transit Beirut is an anthology of complex urban experience that brings together personal writing, essays, journalism, short stories, photography and animation. The view is wide: from fiction to documentary and everything in between. Beirut is undergoing an energetic process of rediscovery and reinvention by its own inhabitants, many of whom are only now returning to the city." With new and established Arab writers together for the first time, Transit Beirut oscillates between sarcastic humour and serious exploration of the tensions and conflicts in a society undergoing reconstruction. Things are never what they seem; students express themselves in the language of military conquest and athletes train to 'defeat' cholesterol. In Transit Beirut, the intersecting lines of TE Lawrence, Orientalism and a PLO grandmothers' revolutionary milk implode, and a pine forest becomes a graveyard.


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