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Once upon a Galaxy: Folktales, Fantasy, and Science Fiction  
Author: Josepha Sherman
ISBN: 0874833876
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

From Booklist
This delightful anthology uses folktales from around the world to demonstrate the ages-old heritage of modern science fiction and fantasy. Presenting more than 40 tales and excerpts thematically, editor Sherman examines the heroic quest, the mage or sage, magic rings and swords, the trickster, and other motifs. She links Jason's Argo in Greek mythology with the starship Enterprise, associates Bugs Bunny with the coyote of Native American myth, and makes many other sometimes surprising connections while acutely illuminating some of the basic themes of popular--and classic--literature. The whole effort is so successful that the only complaint that might be made is that 40 stories are too few. Dennis Winters

Midwest Book Review
Once Upon a Galaxy expands upon your usual folklore theme, linking ancient folk tales and legends to modern Star Wars, Star Trek, and other science fiction and fantasy themes attracting contemporary audiences. Young adults and adults alike will find the approach provides the opportunity to appreciate past and present connections between myths and modern fantasy and drama.

Card catalog description
Includes fifty folktales from around the world, relating them to contemporary fantasy, science fiction, and cartoon themes.

Once upon a Galaxy: Folktales, Fantasy, and Science Fiction


Includes fifty folktales from around the world, relating them to contemporary fantasy, science fiction, and cartoon themes.


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