Book Description
This book demonstrates how throughput accounting rather than traditional cost accounting is the measurement tool required for business decisions. This information is presented as an in-depth and impartial evaluation of the implementation of the Theory of Constraints at over 20 companies. Seven of the case studies are described in detail, including the original thinking process with diagrams as constructed by the companies' managers. Fascinating and enlightening reading!
Theory of Constraints and Its Implications for Management Accounting: A Report on the Actual Implementation of The Theory of Constraints SYNOPSIS
This book demonstrates how throughput accounting rather than traditional cost accounting is the measurement tool required for business decisions. This information is presented as an in-depth and impartial evaluation of the implementation of the Theory of Constraints at over 20 companies. Seven of the case studies are described in detail, including the original thinking process with diagrams as constructed by the companiesᄑ managers. Fascinating and
enlightening reading!