Book Description
The Desk Reference to the Diagnostic Criteria From DSM-IV-TR® is a concise, affordable companion to the ultimate psychiatric reference, DSM-IV-TR®. It includes all the diagnostic criteria from DSM-IV-TR® in an easy-to-use, spiralbound format. It includes a pull-out chart of the DSM-IV-TR Classification. Changes were made to the following diagnostic criteria: Personality Change Due to a General Medical Condition Paraphilias Tic Disorders
Book Info
Pocket-sized quick reference to be used in conjunction with the full DSM-IV (now referred to as DSM-IV-TR). Outline format. Quick Reference edition was listed in approval week 2000-37. Wire-spiral binding.
Desk Reference to the Diagnostic Criteria from DSM-IV-TR ANNOTATION
This reference includes all the diagnostic criteria from the DSM-IV in an easy-to-use, sprial bound format. A useful pull-out chart of criteria sets is provided.
Includes all the diagnostic criteria from DSM-IV-TRᄑ in an easy-to-use, spiralbound format. With a useful pullout chart of criteria sets.