Book Description
What Happens in Jamaica, Stays in Jamaica? Except in this tell-all, cheeky guide to the world's naughtiest resort, Hedonism II. Everyone returns from Hedonism II with at least one good story no one at home believes. Is Hedonism II a retirement home for worn-out swingers? Is it a testosterone tour-de-force with too few eligible single women to clamor over? Is it a cult that sucks away all your vacation time? Well, the last one might be true. Learn why Hedonism II has a 90% repeat guest rate--the highest of any Caribbean hotel--even though the facilities are tired, the food is mediocre, and the beach sand hurts your feet--if you are still standing after a week. The Hedo myths: Only young singles go to Hedonism II. People walk around naked everywhere. Open sex is rampant. Someone will try to steal your wife. Every myth has its truth...but Hedonism II is 50% couples--and most guests are over 30, full nudity is only allowed on one beach, the hotel does not condone public sex (but it happens), and your wife--well, that's her choice. But at Hedo you will see what you've never seen before. And you might do it too. Here are the truths and tips that will make your vacation to Hedonism II the most fun trip you'll ever take--again and again. FYI: The resort Hedonism II did not authorize this book; the book includes the good, bad and the ugly. Although the resort's owners tried to stop distribution of the 1st ed. of the book in federal court in 1998, the author enjoys Hedonism II as a vacation destination and continues to travel there regularly on her annual "Naked Truth Tour" that is not affiliated with the resort.
From the Publisher
This newest version (published May 2003) of the Hedonism II travel book continues the tradition of inspiring hilarity and amazement in readers--do enjoy! Reading this book is like taking a vacation to Hedonism II--but it's a lot cheaper.
About the Author
Chris Santilli, an award-winning freelance writer and inveterate naked gal, has visited Hedonism II for 50-plus weeks in more than 30 trips since March 1985.
Excerpted from The Naked Truth About Hedonism II (2nd Edition, Updated for 2004) by Chris Santilli. Copyright © 2003. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1: Be Wrecked for a Week Oh, I would never do that! That's the first lie you tell yourself before that virgin trip to Hedonism II, an all-inclusive resort in Negril, Jamaica. Once there, you tell yourself a second lie: I'll never see these people again so it doesn't matter what I do. But you do see them again, because the Hedonism II magnet pulls you back again and again. "Anything as addictive as Hedo should have a Surgeon General's warning," says Jim Matthew from Sheffield, Vt. Hedonism II inspires enormous loyalty. No other resort has as cult-like a following as Hedonism II, which is called Hedo (hee-doe) by its guests. Jamaicans call it "The Zoo." "?Warning, warning, warning, you are about to begin an adventure that will rob you of all your money and all your vacation time," says HedoHenry from Connecticut, who's been to Hedo well over 20 times. At any given time, repeaters make up about 40% of Hedo's guests. And 90% of guests do make at least two pilgrimages to Hedo, said "Marc" Upton Smith (a.k.a. Sizzler), Hedo?s former public relations manager. Guests returning after more than 25 Hedo trips are not rare. "I first went to Hedonism II in 1983 and had no idea what to expect. My husband did not even tell me the name of the place we were going to until we were on Air Jamaica and well in the air. He had only told me we were going to an all-inclusive resort in Jamaica that offered scuba diving. "When he told me about the place and showed me the brochure, I hit the ceiling. I thought we would not even be able to walk on the beach without stepping on copulating couples. We had a huge fight all the way to the resort, and I assured him he had ruined our vacation. "In April 2003, we returned for our 31th visit to our favorite place. We have made many friends over the years, many of whom return at the same time each year as we do. Hedo is about fun, laughter, friendship, and a bit about loosening your inhibitions."--Jennifer from Atlanta Nude, crude, and lewd--but not a nudist colony or sex resort As Dorothy once said, "There's no place like Hedo; there's no place like Hedo," as she clicked together the heels of her thigh-high red patent leather boots. But the resort is really a twisted Oz, with its cast of peculiar characters and colorful, fantastic happenings.
The Naked Truth about Hedonism II: A Totally Unauthorized, Naughty but Nice Guide to Jamaica's Very Adult Resort FROM THE CRITICS
Desiree (& Kevin) - Corpus Christi, Texas
My husband wouldn't stop laughing at all the stories. He'd break out into giggles every couple minutes. I have been unable to pry TNTAH2 out of my husband's hands so I can read it-it's not fair!
Bob Carpinelli
Putting your clothes back on may be the hardest thing to do, but putting the book down is the second.
Claudia Gutierrez
The moment the booked arrived I dropped what I was doing. I had brought the 1st edition of the book before my first trip to Hedo and loved it. As for the 2nd edition-it's ***** (5 stars)-it tops the first.