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Sedona Method: Your Key to Lasting, Happiness, Success, Peace and Emotional Well-Being  
Author: Hale Dwoskin
ISBN: 0971933413
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

John Gray, Ph.D., Author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
"...a practical, wise and proven formula for emotional and mental freedom..."

Cheryl Richardson, New York Times best-selling author of Stand Up for Your Life and Take Time for Your Life
"...allow yourself to do the exercises in this book, you'll be shocked by how quickly your life changes!"

Debbie Ford, best-selling author of The Right Questions and The Secret of the Shadow
"an extremely powerful tool that will support you in finding inner balance and emotional freedom...I highly recommend it."

Gay Hendricks, Ph.D., author of Conscious Loving and The Conscious Heart
"...a great resource for coaches, therapists, healers, managers, and anyone who desires deep, gentle change at a rapid pace."

Mark Victor Hansen, co-creator of the #1 New York Times best-selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul and co-author of The One-Minute Millionaire
"The Sedona Method is an extremely powerful tool for emotional freedom and wellness. I highly recommend it!"

Book Description
Foreword by Jack Canfield: I have been hearing wonderful things about the Sedona Method® from clients and friends for about 20 years. Recently, I finally took the course with my wife and my 12-year-old son. I’ve been amazed at the simplicity of the Method and the powerful impact it has had on my life. Through my work with Chicken Soup for the Soul and through Self-Esteem Seminars, I have been exposed to many self-improvement techniques and processes. This one stands head and shoulders above the rest for the ease of its use, its profound impact and the speed it produces results. The Sedona Method is a vastly accelerated way of letting go of feelings like anger, frustration, jealousy, anxiety, stress and fear as well as many other problems—even physical pain—with which almost everybody struggles at one time or another. One of the wonderful byproducts of taking the seminar is that I have become friends with Hale Dwoskin. He is one of the calmest, clearest, most joy-filled people I have ever met, living proof that the Sedona Method works wonders. I am ecstatic about our friendship. During the seminar, I found myself constantly in awe of Hale’s brilliant teaching style. I experienced one breakthrough after another. As a result, I’ve already referred many family members, friends, and business associates to the Sedona Method seminars, and I’ve also had the entire staff at Chicken Soup for the Soul Enterprises learn the Method through the audio programs that Hale put together. Now I am thoroughly delighted to be able to recommend The Sedona Method: Your Key to Lasting Happiness, Success, Peace, and Well-being. Reading this book is the equivalent of taking the Sedona Method Basic Course and several Advanced Courses rolled together. Filled with practical techniques and enlightening true stories, Hale clearly and generously explains everything we need to know to master the releasing process and to continue using the Method day by day, moment by moment in real life situations, such as having more fulfilling and harmonious relationships, building financial security, developing satisfying careers, breaking nasty habits, losing weight, and enjoying good health. He reveals the Sedona Method’s powerful secret for manifesting what you want in your life, while showing you how to be at ease and comfortable with what you already have. The Method also enables you how to have greater ease, enjoyment and peace of mind with all that you experience on a daily basis. So I highly encourage you to read The Sedona Method with an open mind and heart. Please allow the simplicity of its message and the power of this process to open you to all the wonders that life has to offer. It is one of those rare things in today’s world that delivers more than it promises... way more. I urge you to pay close attention to Hale’s message in this book. If you do, it will change your life.

From the Author
The secret is out! After over a quarter of a century of helping tens-of-thousands of people worldwide, this revolutionary technique is now available in this new easy to learn format. Learn how to tap your natural ability to let go of painful feelings on the spot, including anxiety, stress, depression, anger and grief. Liberate yourself to have, be and do whatever you desire including having more money, better relationships and more radiant health.

About the Author
Hale Dwoskin is the CEO of Sedona Training Associates, an organization headquartered in Arizona that he established in 1996 to teach courses based on the mental and emotional releasing techniques originated by his mentor Lester Levenson. For the last twenty years, he has been regularly teaching the Sedona Method to individuals and at corporations throughout the United States and the United Kingdom, and leading instructor training and advanced retreats since the early 1990’s. Other workshops he teaches include: the Love Seminar, the Resistance Course, Absolute Freedom and Practical Freedom. In addition, as an extension of the Sedona Method, he has created a technique known as Holistic Releasing. Hale is an accomplished public speaker, lecturing to numerous corporations. He has also made over 250 appearances on radio talk shows and local television programs. Hale has developed and recorded several audiotape series: Freedom Now, Absolute Freedom, Beyond the Boundaries of Time Space, and Breakthroughs in Consciousness.

Sedona Method: Your Key to Lasting, Happiness, Success, Peace and Emotional Well-Being


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