Microsoft Office 2000: New Features for Users Msof01e FROM THE PUBLISHER
General Information Course Duration: 4 hours
All Office 97 users
Completion of all courses in the Microsoft Office 97 curriculum or equivalent familiarity with Office 97
Course Incorporates:
Test, hands-on exercises Topics Covered Background Menus and toolbars Other interface features User assistance Hands-on: Customizing the Office Assistant E-mail integration Word Excel Hands-on: Changing a display unit PowerPoint Hands-on: Using the Presentation Assistant Access Hands-on: Customizing forms Viewing Organizing and customizing Hands-on: Organizing incoming e-mail HTML support and usability features
Minimum Requirements to run Smartforce products: 486/33 processor or higher 8MB of RAM VGA display (256 colors recommended) 10-20MB of hard disk space DOS version 3.1 or higher Windows version 3.1/Windows 95 Supported Network Operating Systems: Novell NetWare 3.1x/4.1x Windows NT 3.51/4.0 OS/2 LAN Manager Banyan Vines Course Aim To describe the new features and improvements incorporated in Microsoft Office 2000
Learning Objectives After taking this course, the user should be able to Identify new features common to all Office applications Understand and use basic new featuresin Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint Organize and customize items in Outlook