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ElfQuest Archives, Volume 2  
Author: Wendy Pini
ISBN: 1401201296
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
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ElfQuest Archives, Volume 2


In 1978, Richard and Wendy Pini selfpublished ELFQUEST #1 and introduced audiences around the world to the elfin Wolfriders, trolls, and superstitious humans, all trying to coexist on the World of Two Moons. Since that first story appeared, millions of copies of ELFQUEST have been sold around the world.

Inspired by sources ranging from classic literature to Japanese manga, the Pinis created a unique universe filled with myth, danger, and the promise of hope. The beginning of that saga can be found in the previous volume, with the introduction of the Wolfriders and their leader, Cutter, as they are driven from their homeland by encroaching humans. At the end of that story, the elves found sanctuary but in this new volume, again their peace is threatened, not only by men once more, but also by the twin mysteries of the Forbidden Grove and Blue Mountain.

Included with this archive is a bonus, long outofprint short story from Epic Illustrated, an introduction by comic creator James A. Owen and an afterword by the Pinis.


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