Book Description
Take the Mensa challenge. These extraordinarily entertaining puzzles can confound even those with high IQs--and that's what makes them such delightfully tricky fun. A few can be solved relatively quickly, but the hardest may seem nearly impossible to crack. Give your skills a real workout on numerical conundrums, word games, lateral thinking problems, and riddles. Brainteasers, arranged in order of difficulty, train the mind and provide a good time all at once. The most complex bafflers include chess, logic, and spatial puzzles. Here's just one example of what's inside: A farmer has twenty sheep, ten pigs, and ten cows. If we call the pigs cows, how many cows will he have?
The answer: Ten cows. We can call the pigs cows, but that doesn't make them cows.
Giant Book of Mensa Mind Challenges FROM THE PUBLISHER
Spend time confounded and entertained at the same time with a wealth of perplexing American Mensa mind challenges. A number of them can be solved quickly; others are harder and take longer, even for someone with a high IQ! See how you do with these:
What word, expression or name is depicted here? F A R E D C E?
Uning exactly two 2s and any of the standard mathematical symbols, write down and expression whose value is five.
Ann is looking at the portrait of a gentleman. "He is not my father, but his mother was my mother's mother-in-law," she says. Who is he?
What animal walks on all fours in the morning, on two legs at noon, and on three legs at dusk?