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Marianne Williamson on Communication (1 Cassette)  
Author: Marianne Williamson
ISBN: 1559948868
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

From AudioFile
This is the tenth lecture in Williamson's series based on A Course in Miracles. Promoting spiritual psychotherapy, the program includes prayers and a religious perspective of the world (though not specific to a particular religion). Probably because this is taken from a lecture series, the sound quality is terrible. The author fades in and out; the microphones crackle and pop. Williamson sounds as if she has a cold and, at times, is difficult to follow due to the speed of her presentation. Tapes based upon her books are of much higher quality. E.L.C. (c)AudioFile, Portland, Maine

"The hearing of our world comes through communication."

Book Description
Marianne Williamson's tenth lecture is the series based on A COURSE IN MIRACLES, includes Excellence in Communication and Listening with Love which explore the need for open clear communication with all the people in our lives and methods for achieving this goal.According to A COURSE IN MIRACLES we all share one cosmic truth, so we are all dealing with the same issues in our lives though often at different levels of consciousness. By working through spirit to share our personal through, we can find harmony in all relationships--even when we disagree-by listening and not reacting judgmentally. To really communicate, Marianne tells us, we must go behind the masks our egos project and speak from our essential selves. It is by knowing our feelings and telling the thruth that people come to truly know and love us. We can then let go of the illusion of separateness and our fear of loss.Marianne Williamson continues to expand the growing international audience for her profound yet down-to-earth interpretations of A COURSE IN MIRACLES, the revolutionary self-study program of spiritual psychotherapy.

About the Author
Marianne Williamson began sharing her understanding of the principles embodied in A Course in Miracles in 1983 with a small gathering of people in Los Angeles.Since then, she has become a leading teacher and guide for the Course, a self-study program of spiritual psychotherapy. Williamson now lectures and ministers to rapidly growing audiences in the United States and abroad.Her new title The Healing of America comes out from Simon and Schuster this spring.She has 20 lecture tapes available from HarperAudio as well as her blockbuster A Return to Love.

Marianne Williamson on Communication (1 Cassette)


Marianne Williamson's tenth lecture is the series based on A COURSE IN MIRACLES, includes Excellence in Communication and Listening with Love which explore the need for open clear communication with all the people in our lives and methods for achieving this goal.

According to A COURSE IN MIRACLES we all share one cosmic truth, so we are all dealing with the same issues in our lives though often at different levels of consciousness. By working through spirit to share our personal through, we can find harmony in all relationships—even when we disagree-by listening and not reacting judgmentally. To really communicate, Marianne tells us, we must go behind the masks our egos project and speak from our essential selves. It is by knowing our feelings and telling the thruth that people come to truly know and love us. We can then let go of the illusion of separateness and our fear of loss.

Marianne Williamson continues to expand the growing international audience for her profound yet down-to-earth interpretations of A COURSE IN MIRACLES, the revolutionary self-study program of spiritual psychotherapy.


AudioFile - Elizabeth L. Campbell

This is the tenth lecture in Williamson's series based on A Course in Miracles. Promoting spiritual psychotherapy, the program includes prayers and a religious perspective of the world (though not specific to a particular religion). Probably because this is taken from a lecture series, the sound quality is terrible. The author fades in and out; the microphones crackle and pop. Williamson sounds as if she has a cold and, at times, is difficult to follow due to the speed of her presentation. Tapes based upon her books are of much higher quality. E.L.C. cAudioFile, Portland, Maine


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