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Dragonlance: Kindred Spirits (The Meetings Sextet #1), Vol. 1  
Author: Mark Anthony
ISBN: 1560760699
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
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Book Description
Magic and Murder

When Flint Fireforge, dwarf and metalsmith, receives a wondrous summons from the Speaker of the Sun, he journeys to the fabled elven city of Qualinost. There he meets Tanis, a thoughtful youth born of a tragic union between elf and man. Tanis and Flint, each a misfit in his own way, find themselves unlikely friends.

But a pompous elf lord is mysteriously slain, and another elf soon meets the same fate. Tanis stands accused, and if his innocence cannot be proven, the half-elf will be banished forever. Solving the mystery will be a perilous task. Time is on the murder's side, and he is not finished yet.

Dragonlance: Kindred Spirits (The Meetings Sextet #1), Vol. 1


The reluctant paternal dwarven hero, Flint Fireforge, invited to the elven kingdom of Qualinesti because of his legendary metalsmithing, meets a young, unhappy half-elf named Tanis, ward of the Speaker of the Sun himself. But when Laurana, the beautiful daughter of the Speaker, declares her love for Tanis, a deadly rival for her affections concocts a scenario fraught with risk and scandal. Outcasts and loners, Flint and Tanis embark on a mission to clear Tanis' name, uniting them in everlasting friendship. First in a brand-new Dragonlance series.


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