In the mind-boggling confusion of electrical codes, Redwood Kardon, a building inspector for the city of Oakland, California, has pulled together a comprehensive manual, more a tool than a book per se. Code Check Electrical offers the straight dope on electrical codes in easy-to-understand language, with a clearly organized flip-chart format that has a durable finish for use in the field.
For builders, building inspectors, or homeowners who want to do some electrical work safely and up to current codes, this is an invaluable tool for understanding what the electrical codes are, why they are important, and how to make sure electrical work is done as safely as current science and common sense allow. There is an amazing amount of useful and easily understandable information in this diminutive manual. --Mark A. Hetts
Book Description
Spiral-bound with durable laminated pages designed to be used on-site for quick reference, this book provides a thorough overview of electrical safety and comprehensive information on code specifications. It is cross-referenced to the National Electric Code, which is updated every three years.
Book Info
Offers the straight talk on electrical codes in easy to understand language, with a clearly organized flip-chart format that has a durable finish for use in the field. Spiral.
Code Check: Electrical: A Guide to Wiring a Safe House FROM THE PUBLISHER
Spiral-bound with durable laminated pages designed to be used on-site for quick reference, this book provides a thorough overview of electrical safety and comprehensive information on code specifications. It is cross-referenced to the National Electric Code, which is updated every three years.