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   Book Info

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SQL Server 6.5 Administration  
Author: Brad McGehee
ISBN: 156205726X
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

From Book News, Inc.
A training guide preparing advanced end-users, service technicians, and network administrators who seek certification as a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer or Product Specialist for Exam 70-26: System Administration for Microsoft SQL Server 6.5. Can also serve as a single-volume reference on SQL Server administration. A CD- ROM disk provides a test engine that emulates the exam, and an electronic version of the complete book. Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR

From the Publisher
MCSE Training Guide: SQL Server Administration provides users with all of the latest information they need to pass this popular exam and covers all the intracacies of the latest version of SQL Server. Utilizing the knowledge of MCSEs and MCTs, this book contains all the insider tips, notes, and strategies readers need to take a step closer to becoming an MCSE.The book contains hundreds of test questions, lists, tables, notes, tips and tricks to completely prepare readers for the exam. It's organized in a concise, easy-to-read manner to give users the most valuable information efficiently. This book inexpensive and is the fastest, most effective tool for passing the SQL Server Administration exam. - The most complete book available on the SQL Server Administration exam (70-26)!

- Provides readers with more than just exam basics offers extra information on the technology itself!

- Hundreds of practice test questions and hands-on lab exercises allow readers to apply what they've learned right away!

SQL Server 6.5 Administration


MCSE Training Guide: SQL Server Administration provides users with all of the latest information they need to pass this popular exam and covers all the intracacies of the latest version of SQL Server. Utilizing the knowledge of MCSEs and MCTs, this book contains all the insider tips, notes, and strategies readers need to take a step closer to becoming an MCSE. The book contains hundreds of test questions, lists, tables, notes, tips and tricks to completely prepare readers for the exam. It s organized in a concise, easy-to-read manner to give users the most valuable information efficiently. This book inexpensive and is the fastest, most effective tool for passing the SQL Server Administration exam.The most complete book available on the SQL Server Administration exam (70-26)!Provides readers with more than just exam basics offers extra information on the technology itself!Hundreds of practice test questions and hands-on lab exercises allow readers to apply what they ve learned right away!


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